Saturday, June 2, 2012

Truth Never Changes Volume 10, Number 7

Y VOLUME 10        JULY 2006 EDTION         NUMBER 07 Y

The Age of Lehi

M. Zvi Udley, Th. M., Ph. D.
(Truth, 13:244-246)

To properly interpret the life and times of the Nephi-Lamanite Patriarch, one must ascertain the date of his birth.  The Seshet nowhere gives us this information; nevertheless, by carefully analyzing the First Book of Nephi, it is possible to closely approximate Lehi’s age.


THE AGE OF LEHI………………………...245
FAMOUS SPEECH…………………………250
OPPONENTS  (Cont’d.)………………….252
COMMENTARY ON……………………….255
THE PURITANS…………………………....265
A DREAM…………………………………..271

We read that in the first year of the reign of King Zedekiah (597 B. C.), the Prophet Nephi was exceeding young (I Nephi 2, 16); this may well be a key to the problem of Lehi’s age.  This could mean little except that Nephi was not yet of legal age, after which time he would meet men on an equal basis.  A Jew becomes of age on his thirteenth birthday (Ceremonies of Judaism, pp. 125-126, Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 11, pp. 509-510).  Yet we know from Nephi’s deeds that, at this time, he was large enough to be mistaken for Laban and was genius enough to become the leader of his brothers. Certainly he was a man of action, if not in age; we are left no choice but to assume that Nephi was clearly of legal age.  He must have been between 12 and 13.  At the same time we know that none of the sons of Lehi were married.  If Nephi’s age is a key to the problem, then this certainly is the lock which it fits; for Jewish law and tradition are very exacting regarding the age of marriage.  Indeed, so strict are the Jewish beliefs regarding marriage, that tradition maintains “God utters a curse against those who remain single after twenty years of age; and those who marry at sixteen please him, and those who do so at fourteen still more.”

Rab Huna maintained, “He who is twenty and not married lives in sin.”  (The Babylonian Talmud, Leo Auerbach, ed., p. 185).  The rabbis taught “Till the age of twenty, the Lord sits and waits.  When will the man take a wife unto himself?  But when he reaches twenty and had not taken a wife unto himself, the Lord says: Let his bones be swollen”.  (Ibid., p. 186)

Thus Jewish law declares that on “reaching the age of eighteen it is the duty of man to take unto himself a wife in order that he may ‘be fruitful and multiply’ (GEN 1:28); at any rate he should not pass his twentieth year without having taken a wife.”  (Laws and Customs of Israel, Gerald Friedlander, tr., Vol. 4, p. 408).

Admittedly the codification cited postdate Lehi by some centuries, but they are all based upon earlier traditions and practices, and it is generally admitted that they would have affected a person living at the time of Lehi.  (Babylonian Talmud, op. Cit., pp. 7, 9, 23).

It has been noted that at the commencement of Nephi’s account, the sons of Lehi were not yet married; the date of their marriage we cannot state with certainty, but we know that it was some time perhaps more than a year, after the first exodus from Jerusalem.  (I Nephi 16-7).  We know, however, that at the time of the marriage non of the sons were more than twenty; most probably, the oldest was closter to eighteen, when Lehi fulfilled his obligation towards his son to “take a wife to him.”  (Ibid., p. 185).

Accordingly, we suppose Laman to have been eighteen; Lemuel about seventeen; Sam, about sixteen; and Nephi, about fourteen.  Thus we know that Lehi married Sariah more than 18 years before 596 B. C.  We suppose further that Lehi, in accordance with the law, was about eighteen when he took a wife unto himself.

Following this line through to its logical conclusion, we find that Lehi in the year 597 B. C. was 35 to 37 years of age; that he was born in or about the year 633 B. C., while Psamtik I reigned in Egypt.  Knowing the approximate date of Lehi’s birth, we are able to proceed with a study of Lehi’s life, giving full credit to the influences which shaped his life.

Lehi, Sariah, and the Mother of Two Sons

Little is found in the Seshet regarding the marital life of the Patriarch; yet, from inference much can be gathered.  We must not expect much information, for the Seshet is not a record of the life of Lehi, but rather of the life of Nephi.  Even there we know little of the personal life of its writer.

The relations between Lehi and Sariah may well have been severely strained when Lehi left the land of Jerusalem; for the first mention of Sariah is when “she also had complained against my father, telling him that he was a visionary man.”  (I Nephi 5-2).  It is easy to understand how she would not like to abandon her friends in Jerusalem, her wealth, and position.

Sariah was the wife of Lehi’s youth, (Oper. Ch. 4), the mother of his four oldest sons.  That is the total of our knowledge of her.  It seems evident, however, that Sariah was not the only wife of Lehi.

In accordance with his position, the times in which he lived, and the nature of his calling, we might expect that Lehi had more than one wife; but a careful reading of the seferim Lehi bring forth certain questions which can only be answered by such a fact.

“And now,” records Nephi, “my father had begat two sons in the wilderness; the elder was called Jacob and the younger Joseph.”  (Nephi 18, 7).  Does it not seem strange that Nephi nowhere makes mention of his mother, Sariah, having given birth to two sons?

Nephi further mentions his grief when his parents were upon their sickbeds and then adds: “Jacob and Joseph also … were grieved because of the afflictions of their mother.”  Jacob and Joseph were also grieved by the “afflictions of their mother.”  Why did not Nephi record “our parents” or “our mother”?

Later, when the Prophet Jacob preached in the Temple against Nephite moral laxness, he nowhere pointed to Lehi as a monogamistic example.

There seems to be no alternative, but to interpret these passages to mean that Lehi was a polygamist.  The name of his second wife we do not know; it may have possibly been Nahom (I Nephi 16:34), which means consolation; for her two sons were a consolation to Lehi because of the wickedness of his two eldest sons.  This union seems to have been blessed with several daughters.  (II Nephi 5,6).

Nahom was a loving and faithful wife to Lehi; nowhere do we hear of the mother of Jacob and Joseph opposing any of the commands of the Lord. 


You may slander persons who are entirely innocent, merely because you imagine they are guilty; you may have seen some circumstances which caused you to have suspicions; and instead of burying those suspicions in your own breast you give publicity to them, and perhaps, with an additional coloring; your own suspicions produce a dislike to them and you seek to create these disagreeable feelings against them in others.

You do not speak directly against them, for this would expose you as an open slanderer, and would measurably destroy your influence.  In order that your slanders may have the greatest possible effect and obtain a degree of credibility, and produce more serious injury, you clothe them with piety.  You hypocritically pretend that you very much dislike to speak of their faults; but you are very careful to insinuate, in a guarded and blind manner, some great evil, leaving the impression that there is something very serious, about which you do not like to speak.  And thus you endeavor to instill bitterness of feeling and prejudice into the minds of your listeners.  Woe unto you!  For it would be better for you to be cast into the depths of the ocean than to unjustly offend those who are innocent before God.  Woe unto you! for your hypocrisy and deceit shall fall with pain upon your own heads.

Again, you may slander persons who are not altogether innocent.  You may expose them to others, who should be kept in ignorance concerning their faults, until the proper step can be taken with them, according to the law of God.  You seek to make their sins public, and to create a prejudice among the Saints against them.  You do not seek to save them, but to destroy.  You place yourself in the attitude of the destroyer.  Such a spirit is of the devil, for he also seeks to destroy, and to accuse the Saints, and to stir up wrath against them.  Will you follow in his footsteps?  Will you slander and speak evil of your brother or sister who has sinned?  Will you seek to trample the weak Saint down to hell because he has been overtaken in a fault?  Remember that if you do this you are no longer the saviors of men, but their destroyers.  Cease therefore, your slanders against the transgressor.  Cease to spread forth his evil deeds upon the housetops.  Cease to make public that which will injure and destroy.  Cease your back-biting and all your evil speaking one against another.  Cease your tattling about your own family affairs, or those of your neighbor.

Mind your own business.

Get the beam out of your own eye, and keep it out.

Purify your own hearts.

If you ache to slander someone, slander yourself.

Speak against your own corrupt doings.

Be ashamed and confounded because of your own evil deeds.

Do your neighbor good, or let him alone.

Let Reformation be written upon your hearts.

Let life—eternal life—be your motto forever.

It is the duty of the teachers who visit from house to house to search diligently after the spirit and feelings of the Saints.

Search out the slanderer—the back-biter—the evil-speaker.  Exhort them to repent quickly.  Make them ashamed of their hard speeches.  Teach them that no person, held in fellowship by the Saints, can be evil spoken of without sin.  Teach them the law of God and how to deal with transgressors in order to save them.  Teach them that neither the innocent nor the guilty among the Saints can be slandered without bringing condemnation upon the slanderers.  Teach them that if they do no reform in these things they themselves will wither away and be cast out from among the people of God.  (Millennial Star, May 2, 1857)


Truth Never Changes does not represent any organization, neither is it the voice for any religious group, church, &c.  We are not a corporation.

We encourage family patriarchal organizations.  No one here considers himself the “One Mighty & Strong” to set any church or group in order.  We believe in the perpetuation of the Fulness of the Gospel as revealed by the Prophet Joseph Smith by the Lord Jesus Christ.  We believe in the preservation of all of the ordinances of the Holy Priesthood.

We invite any reader to contribute articles, poetry and faith-promoting experiences that would be uplifting in nature.  We reserve the right to deny or edit any (or all) portion(s) of contributed material.  All contributions will remain on file and the identity of the author will remain anonymous, as we believe in keeping an eye single to the Glory of God and not men.

Controversial material or opposite viewpoints will be printed, providing the material is in good taste.  The opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of Truth Never Changes nor its voluntary staff—they are the opinions of each individual writer.

Truth Never Changes provides all individuals the opportunity to express themselves in accordance with their Constitutional Rights.  Often, many voices aren’t heard because of the circumstances they are placed in.  One, being a member of a church or group, may not have the opportunity to speak due to possible repercussions or consequences.  Truth Never Changes provides that opportunity through anonymity. 

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“After a long and warm contest the Resolutions passed by a very small Majority, perhaps of one or two only.  The Alarm spread throughout America with astonishing Quickness, and the ministerial Party were overwhelmed. T he great Point of Resistance to the British Taxation was universally established in the Colonies.  This brought on the War which finally separated the two Countries and gave Independence to ours.  Whether this will prove a Blessing or a Curse, will depend upon the Use our People make of the Blessings which a gracious God hath bestowed upon us.  If they are wise, they will be great and happy.  If they are of a contrary Character, they will be miserable. Righteousness alone can exalt them as a Nation.  Reader, whoever thou art, remember this; and in thy Sphere, practice Virtue thyself, and encourage it in others.  —Patrick Henry—
Rules of Civility
As observed by George Washington

“Every action done in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those that are present…

“Let your countenance be pleasant but in serious matters somewhat grave…

“In speaking to men of quality do not lean nor look them full in the face, nor approach too near them, at least keep a full pace from them…

“Let your conversation be without malice or envy…

“Think before you speak…

“When a man does all he can though it succeeds not well, blame not him that did it.”  (Three For Revolution, pages 94-95).

Excerpts from Patrick Henry’s Famous Speech

{Patrick Henry delivered this speech in Richmond, VA when the Second Virginia Convention met in March 1775.  It is said that when he began this discourse, he spoke quietly and reserved, and as the speech progressed, he became animated and his words to the members of the convention built to a crescendo.  When he uttered those famous words, “Give me liberty or give me death,” it is said that his arms were thrust above his head and the “tendons of his neck stood out white and rigid like whipcords.”  I consider it an honor and a privilege to be an ancestor of this great man.
 —Associate Editor— }

Mr. President, no man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the house.  But different men often see the same subject in different lights…I shall speak forth my sentiments freely…This is no time for ceremony…

I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience.  I know no way of judging the future but by the past.  And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the last ten years to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves and the house…

Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation?  …Let us not deceive ourselves…These are implements of war and subjugation—the last arguments to which Kings resort…And what have we to oppose them?  Shall we try argument?  Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years…

“There is no longer any room for hope.  If we wish to be free…we must fight.  An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts, is all that is left us.  Sir, we are not weak, if we make the proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.  Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of Liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us…

There is no retreat, but in submission and slavery!  Our chains are forged, and their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston.  The war is inevitable—and let it come! 

“…The war is actually begun.  The next gale that sweeps from the North will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms!  Our brethren are already in the field!  Why stand we here idle?  What is it that the gentlemen wish?  …Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?  Forbid it, Almighty God!

“I know not what course others may take, but as for me; Give me Liberty or give me death!”



(Orson Pratt, The Seer, pp.189-191)

Where was there ever a more holy man than Moses with whom God spake face to face?

Did not Moses know about Christ, and Christianity, and the gospel?

Jesus says, that Moses wrote of him: Paul says that Moses esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt: and again he says, that the gospel was preached unto them (the children of Israel in the wilderness) as well as unto us, and testifies, that they were baptized in the cloud and in the sea.  If Moses then believed the gospel, and was baptized, and embraced Christianity, and suffered the reproach of Christ, was he not a Christian just as much as those who embraced the Gospel after Christ?

Moses therefore, was a Christian Polygamist and set the example before all Israel, and when his own brother and sister, Aaron and Miriam the prophetess, spake against one of his wives, the Lord was very angry with them and smote Miriam with the leprosy.  (NUM. 12).  Did not the Lord by this act show most clearly that He approbated polygamy, and that he held sacred to Moses the wives he had taken?

Did not God Himself give laws through Moses to regulate the descent of property in the families of Polygamists?

Was not Moses, though a Polygamist, saved in the kingdom of God?

Did not Moses and Elias appear in glory to Peter, James and John in the holy mount at the time of Christ’s transfiguration?

If Moses could be saved by the gospel and by embracing Christ, then is it not certain that polygamy was approbated just as much under the gospel as under the law?

If polygamy was sinful and criminal, why did God command the living brother to marry all the widows of his deceased brothers who died without children?

Would God command his people under a heavy penalty to commit sin and then punish them for doing it?

It must have been a hard case, if the children of Israel were to be cursed if they did not keep the law, and then again to be cursed if they did keep it!  Yet this must have been the case, if they were to be cursed for being Polygamists when the law of God compelled them in certain cases to be such.

In the days of Christ while the laws of Moses were yet in full force, there must have been thousands of Israel who were compelled by their law to be Polygamists or else suffer the penalty of the curse annexed to that law: In what way could those Polygamists embrace Christianity and be received into the Church of Christ?

Was it lawful for Polygamists to be baptized into the Christian Church?

If not, would the gospel permit them to put asunder those whom God, by his express command, had joined together?

If the gospel would allow all but one to be divorced, then which wives were to be cast out with their children, and which one was to be retained?

But if the gospel would not permit these Jewish Polygamists to divorce their wives, except in cases of adultery, what could they do?

Could they be saved without coming into the Christian Church?

And if not, must they be damned without remedy?

Did they, by keeping the law, according to God’s command, place themselves in a hopeless condition, where Christianity could not reach them?

If so, they must have been sent to hell if they had failed to keep the law, and Christianity sends them to hell, without offering any remedy, because they have kept the law and thus become Polygamists.  But this is too absurd for even savages to believe.  It would be most shocking blasphemy to make God the Author of so wicked a doctrine.  No one cane dispute, then, but that these Jewish Polygamists with all their wives, had the same privilege of entering the Christian Church as any others.  And as this must have been the case, then who dare say that polygamy was not practiced and approbated by those in the Christian Church in the days of our Savior and His apostles?

Was there any possible chance of extricating the Jewish Polygamists from his dilemma and saving him in the kingdom of God, short of Christianity?

So certain as any of them were saved, so certain did Christianity tolerate Polygamy; for we are certain that it did not tolerate divorces, only for a certain transgression.

If polygamy is to be considered sinful under the gospel dispensation, why did David speak of the honorable wives of the son of God himself and so particularly describe one of His Queens?

Would Christ sanction a sinful institution by His own practice and then command His disciples to follow Him?

If polygamists cannot be admitted into the Christian Church, why did Isaiah prophesy concerning the future glory of Zion under the Christian dispensation, and inform us that “In that day seven women should take hold of one man saying, We will eat our own bread and wear our own apparel only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach”?

If such things are sinful, why did Isaiah further predict, that “In that day the branch of the Lord should be beautiful and glorious and that every one who should be left in Zion should be called holy, and that all their dwellings, and assemblies should be overshadowed with a cloud and smoke by day, and a pillar of fire by night”?

Why are these polygamists, who are to have seven women hold of their skirts to be called holy—to be so beautiful and glorious—to have such magnificent displays of the glory of God in their midst?

Why is all this yet to take place under the Christian dispensation, if polygamy is not to be tolerated in the church of Christ and is so offensive in the sight of God?

Do not all these things demonstrate that polygamy is compatible with Christianity, and that it has existed and will exist in the Christian Church in the days of its greatest glory?

Can any Bible reader or Bible believer refute this?

Can anyone tell why David before he committed adultery, and was the means of shedding innocent blood, was called a man after God’s own heart?

Did he not marry seven wives before God exalted him to the throne of Israel?

After David had already taken seven wives, why did God give him all of Saul’s wives in addition?

Did the Lord think that David had not a sufficient number that He himself should not give him more?

Who dare say that polygamy is not a divine institution when God commanded it by the mouth of Moses, and then actually gave Saul’s wives into David’s bosom?

If polygamy is not a divine institution, why did that good man Jehoiada, the high priest, give two wives to the good king Joash? 

Was not this done by a righteous man and by the highest authority of the priesthood that God had upon the earth?

If polygamy is not a divine institution, why did God command the prophet Hosea to marry two wives?  {To be continued…}



Most are well familiar with the account leading to the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah, but the Bible lends a limited view of the extent of their wickedness.  We know that in Genesis 19, the citizens lusted after both the angelic visitors and Lot’s daughters, however, a comparison between the King James Version of GEN 19:8 and the Inspired Version of GEN 19:13 shows distinctly different actions demonstrated by Lot:

KJV GEN 19:8:

Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.”
INSP V. 19:13:

And Lot said, Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, plead with my brethren that I may not bring them out unto you; and ye shall not do unto them as seemeth good in your eyes.”

Again—the latter passage of them same event portray an honorable father, and a man who protects virtue; rather than the sniveling coward, who is willing to throw away his daughters, as described in the KJV.

But what of the rest of the wicked deeds that incurred the Lord’s wrath upon those cities?  The Book of Jasher provides more than a glimpse of those atrocities committed not only in two cities—but four:

BOJ 19:1-10:

“And the cities of Sodom had four judges to four cities, and these were their names, Serak in the city of Sodom, Sharkad in Gomorrah, Zabnac in Admah, and Menon in Zeboyim.

“And Eliezer Abraham’s servant applied to them different names, and he converted Serak to Shakra, Sharkad to Shakura, Zebnac to Kezobim, and Menon to Matzlodin.
“And by desire of their four judges the people of Sodom and Gomorrah had beds erected in the streets of the cities, and if a man came to these places, they laid hold of him and brought him to one of their beds, and by force made him to lie in them.

“And as he lay down, three men would stand at his head and three at his feet, and measure him by the length of the bed, and if the man was less than the bed these six men would stretch him at each end, and when he cried out to them, they would not answer him.

“And if he was longer than the bed they would draw together the two sides of the bed at each end, until the man had reached the gates of death.

“And if he continued to cry out to them, they would answer him, saying, Thus shall it be done to a man that cometh to our land.

“And when men heard all these things that the people of the cities of Sodom did, they refrained from coming there.

“And when a poor man came to their land they would give him silver and gold, and cause a proclamation in the whole city not to give him a morsel of bread to eat, and if the stranger should remain there some days, and die from hunger, not having been able to obtain a morsel of bread, then at his death all the people of the city would come and take their silver and gold they had given unto him.

“And those that could recognize the silver and gold which they had given him took it back, and at his death they also stripped him of his garments, and they would fight about them, and he that prevailed over his neighbor took them.

“They would carry him and bury him under some of the shrubs in the deserts; so they did all the days to any one that came to them and died in their land.”

BOJ 19:12-21:

“And Eliezer went to Sodom, and he met a man of Sodom fighting with a stranger, and the man of Sodom stripped the poor man of all his clothes and went away.

“And the poor man cried to Eliezer and supplicated his favor on account of what the man of Sodom had done to him.

“And he said to him, Why dost thou act thus to the poor man who came to thy land?

“And the man of Sodom answered Eliezer, saying, Is this man thy brother, or have the people of Sodom made thee a judge this day, that thou speakest about this man?

“And Eliezer strove with the man of Sodom on account of the poor man, and when Eliezer approached to recover the poor man’s clothes from the man of Sodom, he hastened and with a stone smote Eliezer in the forehead.

“And the blood flowed copiously from Eliezer’s forehead, and when the man saw the blood he caught hold of Eliezer saying, Give me thy hire for having rid thee of this bad blood that was in thy forehead, for such is the custom and law of our land.

“And Eliezer said to him, Thou has wounded me and requirest me to pay thee for hire; and Eliezer would not hearken to the words of the man of Sodom.

“And the man of Sodom laid hold of Eliezer and brought him to Shakra the judge of Sodom for judgement.

“And the man spoke to the judge, saying, I beseech thee my lord, thus has this man done, for I smote him with a stone that the blood flowed from his forehead, and he is unwilling to give my hire.

“And the judge said to Eliezer, This man speaketh truth to thee, give him his hire, for this is the custom in our land; and Eliezer heard the words of the judge, and he lifted a stone and smote the judge, and the stone struck on his forehead, and the blood flowed copiously from the forehead of the judge, and Eliezer said, If this then is the custom in your land give thou unto this man what I should have given him, for this has been thy decision, thou didst decree it.

BOJ 19:24-35

“At that time the wife of Lot bare him a daughter, and he called her name Palith, saying, Because God had delivered him and his whole household from the kings of Elam; and Palith daughter of Lot grew up, and one of the men of Sodom took her for a wife.

“And a poor man came into the city to seek maintenance, and he remained in the city some days, and all the people of Sodom caused a proclamation of their custom not to give this man a morsel of bread to eat, until he dropped dead upon the earth, and they did so.

“And Pailith the daughter of Lot saw this man lying in the streets starved with hunger, and no one would give him any thing to keep him alive, and he was just upon the point of death.

“And her soul was filled with pity on account of the man, and she fed him secretly with bread for many days, and the soul of this man was revived.

“For when she went forth to fetch water she would put the bread in the water pitcher, and when she came to the place where the poor man was, she took the bread from the pitcher and gave it him to eat; so she did many days.

“And all the people of Sodom and Gomorrah wondered how this man could bear starvation for so many days.

“And they said to each other, This can only be that he eats and drinks, for no man can bear starvation for so many days or live as this man has, without even his countenance changing; and three men concealed themselves in a place where the poor man was stationed, to know who it was that brought him bread to eat.

“And Palith daughter of Lot went forth that day to fetch water, and she put bread into her pitcher of water, and she went to draw water by the poor man’s place, and she took out the bread from the pitcher and gave it to the poor man and he ate it.

“And the three men saw what Palith did to the poor man, and they said to her, It is thou then who hast supported him, and therefore has he not starved, nor changed in appearance nor died like the rest.

“And then three men went out of the place in which they were concealed, and they seized Palith and the bread which was in the poor man’s hand.

“And they took Palith and brought her before their judges, and they said to them, Thus did she do, and it was she who supplied the poor man with bread, therefore did he not die all this time; now therefore declare to us the punishment due to this woman for having transgressed our law.

“And the people of Sodom and Gomorrah assembled and kindled a fire in the street of the city, and they took the woman and cast her into the fire and she was burned to ashes.”

BOJ 19:36-44

“And in the city of Admah there was a woman to whom they did the like.

“For a traveler came into the city of Admah to abide there all night, with the intention of going home in the morning, and he sat opposite the door of the house of the young woman’s father, to remain there, as the sun had set when he had reached that place; and the young woman saw him sitting by the door of the house.

“And he asked her for a drink of water and she said to him, Who art thou?  And he said to her, I was this day going on the road, and reached here when the sun set, so I will abide here all night, and in the morning I will arise early and continue my journey.

“And the young woman went into the house and fetched the man bread and water to eat and drink.

“And this affair became known to the people of Admah, and they assembled and brought the young woman before the judges, that they should judge her for this act.

“And the judge said, The judgement of death must pass upon this woman because she transgressed our law, and this therefore is the decision concerning her.

“And the people of those cities assembled and brought out the young woman, and had her anointed with honey from head to foot, as the judge had decreed, and they placed her before a swarm of bees which were then in their hives, and the bees flew upon her and stung her that her whole body was swelled.

“And the young woman cried out on account of the bees, but no one took notice of her or pitied her, and her cries ascended to heaven.

“And the Lord was provoked at this and at all the works of the cities of Sodom, for they had abundance of food, and had tranquility amongst them, and still would not sustain the poor and the needy, and in those days their evil doings and sins became great before the Lord.”

In reading the above passages, it is plain to see that the sins of Sodom extended far beyond lascivious perversions, and verse 44 summarizes it all.  The Prophet Joseph Smith in his day, stated that the wickedness of the world in his day was greater than that of the days of Noah.  What is the status in our day?  Surely the sins of mankind today have surpassed those in the days of Noah and in the days of the Prophet Joseph.

“And the whole world lieth in sin, and groaneth under darkness and under the bondage of sins.”  (D&C 84:49).

Brothers and sisters, the time is short.  This world has ripened with iniquity and must be cleansed—will be cleansed.  The time for repentance is NOW!  Today!  Let us not find ourselves within “the walls of Sodom” when the destruction comes, but fleeing wickedness, guided by the instructions of the Lord.

E    D    I    T    O    R    I    A    L


The other day, I was considering the situation of many Church members who confront the doctrines of the foundation of this restoration, what is commonly referred to as "Mormon Fundamentalism". So many Church members, when first discovering these truths, find themselves asking this question: "How can I be wrong?" They say, "I have given my whole life to this Church. It just has to be true."
The Church is true. It is the Lord's Church. And it was restored to us by the Lord through the Prophet Joseph Smith. But the Lord gives to the people what they want. When Israel wanted a king, instead of the judges, God gave them a king. And He gave them this king through His then living prophet. It was not the will of the Lord that the people have a king. It was the Lord giving the people what they wanted through a living prophet and in accordance with their free agency.
Now, all of your life, you have had allegiance to this king. You have believed that it was the will of the Lord that we have a king. And history attests that the prophet received a revelation to choose and anoint a king, which he did.
But the prophets also told the people what would happen to Israel, if they were to be given a king. Everything the prophets prophesied came true, right to the letter.
However, there were a small group of Israelites who mourned and decried the loss of the judges. They went to the prophet and asked him to appoint to them judges, that could govern them as in the old days. The prophet, seeing their desire to safeguard freedom, and their desire to live in the theocracy of God under the system of judges, gave to them what they wanted. So, each group of Israelites had what they wanted, in accordance with their free agency.
Were those who persisted in wanting to continue to live under the system of judges in rebellion against those who wanted a king? Were they in rebellion against the Lord and His prophet? Were they 'apostates' from Israel? You can answer these questions for yourself.
In our day, the Lord restored the fullness of His gospel. Joseph and Hyrum were not martyred for the sake of baptism and the sacrament. Everyone of the Saints had no problem with these ordinances. What stirred the Devil's kingdom to 'inspire' his apostates - those who rebelled against the further light and knowledge the Lord had revealed to His Saints though the prophet - were the principles or laws of Celestial Plural Marriage and Consecration.
Wilson Law, William Law (apostles in the Church), and William Marks (the Nauvoo Stake President) pled with Joseph Smith to "back off" and leave these things alone, and just live "the simple gospel."
But Joseph persisted, because if he had not continued, he would have been a fallen prophet. And for his persistence, the apostates inspired the mobs who killed Joseph and Hyrum - shades of the Amlicites of the Book of Mormon.
Brigham Young, realizing the problem lead the Saints to a separate and isolated place. They came to Utah, and established a separate nation, where they could live all of God's Laws, that would cause them to repent and qualify to build Zion and live in Zion. The Mormons were a peculiar people, unique in all the world. They were the only people and the only religion, where all of the pieces fit together snugly, perfectly, and all directed to one goal - Zion! They were striving to establish a theocracy, with a system of judges in Israel, using the gospel as the system of laws by how we would live, with Jesus Christ as our King. The Temple was to be the place to teach us and strengthen us to build our refuge - Zion.
But what happened? The people did not want this system of judges. They did want to really live these laws. Brigham Young attempted to establish the United Order Church wide in both 1874 and 1877. The Church, as a whole, failed. In the 1880's, John Taylor pleaded and cajoled and admonished the Saints to live the Law of Plural Marriage. In 1882, he made it a requirement for men to maintain their positions of authority in the Priesthood. Still, the Saints, as a whole, persisted in ignoring these laws.
They neither wanted to consecrate nor did they want the heavy and weighty responsibility of taking care of and supporting more than one family. Grover Cleveland, United States President, pleaded with the Saints - "Give up your economic separateness. Give up your Polygamy. Join with the mainstream of American life. Join in the economic growth and economic prosperity of our nation."
And then the Saints, of course, were constantly petitioning the prophet: "Give us what we want. We want to be full Americans; we want to be in the mainstream of American life. We are tired of being poor, and persecuted." The letters, which are many, are on file in the Church Historian Archives.
And John Taylor prophesied, as only a true prophet can, of what would happen to our people if we gave up these principles as a people. He prophesied that:
(1) The Saints would be rife with adulteries and whoredoms, family break-ups and sorrows in their families by virtue of giving up Plural Marriage.
(2) He said many who thought they had Priesthood, would not have the Priesthood, because it was not properly conferred on them.
(3) Other prophets prophesied that with the rejection of Consecration and United Order, we would go into bondage, that the bankers and other merchants and businessmen would subjugate us and we would be slaves to Babylon.
How many times did Brigham Young warn the Saints? How many times did Wilford Woodruff and John Taylor raise the warning voice? And everything they prophesied has come true.
Like the Israelites of old who rejected the system of judges, modern Israel rejected the economic system of the judges, as well as the marriage system of the judges. And just as Samuel prophesied of what would happen to ancient Israel, for their kings, so the modern prophets warned modern Israel. And all of the things or warnings they prophesied, came true.
So, the Latter-day Israelites petitioned the prophet - "Release us! Free us! Do something!" And the Lord sent to His prophet a revelation - "They are released. They are free. I cannot nor will I force them to live in a manner which they don't want. Give to them what they want." But in getting what they want (i.e. to have that "happy little neighborhood church"), they cannot have the blessings of the fullness. It is an eternal law that you cannot be blessed for the laws you do not keep.
And just as the prophets prophesied, our people suffer so much from adultery, divorce, whoredoms, fornication, and family break-ups. Bankers hold us in bondage. The power of evidence of true Priesthood is absent. The gifts of the Spirit that Moroni speaks of, are either absent or barely in evidence. Zion? A vague and misunderstood concept that has little meaning, as can be easily ascertained with a few simple questions to any typical ward Priesthood class in the Church.
Modern Israel now has her 'kings' with all that comes with such a system or manner of living. Just look around, talk, listen. It is very evident. Israel is still here, but having 'kings' was our idea, not the Lord's, and the Lord went along with it, because the Lord always give the people what they want. That is the chief and central principle of the Priesthood - agency - giving the people what they want, even if it damns them.
It is the same with us. We are having our way - not the Lord's way - but our way and we are having so many, many experiences that are teaching us – but until we repent and let the Lord have His way with us, we will never have our Zion, nor qualify for the Celestial Kingdom. The time to repent is now. The time to let the Lord have His way with us is now.
If we petition the Lord, if we petition the prophet, we will be given what we want. If we petition the Lord to have the fullness of the gospel, to live all of the laws that would qualify us for Zion, for the Celestial Kingdom, to have the Fullness of the Priesthood, will He not give to us what we desire? It is my testimony that He does hear and answer prayers and he does give to the people what they want.
And so, there continued to be a small group of Saints, few in number, who only wanted to live all of God's laws, and thus, qualify for a fullness of His blessings. Thus, to keep the dispensation fully intact, and to give to these people what they wanted, for the sake of free agency, the Lord prepared a way that these people could also have what they wanted.
What did they want? All of the light, knowledge, blessings, principles, laws, and ordinances that had been revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith, which the Church decided to suspend - those 'things' for which we have been reviled and persecuted, which have made us unpopular with the world. Who were these people? Who are they now? Common people - not great men as the world defines the term. People with no great riches. People just like you and me - weak, sinful, and very human. Latter-day Saints.
As for the Church, these people believe everything the Church teaches, and just a little bit more. This little bit more are those laws and principles, doctrines, and truths that the Church has abandoned or rejected. I believe in agency - that the Lord to honour agency - would make a provision that they could believe and live the fullness as He revealed it, with His permission and His Priesthood. These people are part of the Lord's Church, too. They are not in competition with the Church, for they are part of the Church.
They are that part of the Church that has retained that light and knowledge of the whole restored gospel. The Church didn't want it, but they do. So, the Lord has asked them to preserve it, and keep it intact. That is what they intend to do, because if they don't, then Mormonism, as it was revealed, will simply be relegated to the history books, as an interesting curiosity of the 19th Century, which the modern-day Church has eliminated by "modern revelation", and has finally "seen the light" and become a "major player" in mainstream Christianity.
But let us assume that the Priesthood work, as these people call themselves, are nothing but a bunch of "rebellious apostates". If this is so, then there are many of the early brethren who are going to have a lot of explaining to do - because they made prophecies and warnings that never came to pass, or will come to pass. And if the Lord does not approve of what they are doing, then He is a changeable God, and the Celestial Kingdom is going to be a real polyglot of people, all living different 'ways' - a place of confusion where different laws prevail, depending on what time period you lived in, on this Earth.
At present, Israel is living under a system of 'kings'. She is in bondage. Revelation has ceased. But there are a few of the Saints who desire with all of their hearts to live under the 'Judges'. God made it possible for them to do that. It does not mean that they are in rebellion against the 'king'. They recognize the authority of the 'king'. They recognize that the 'king' is there because the Lord placed him there through His prophet. But it is what the people wanted.
They, the Priesthood work, got what they wanted, too. Only if you want it, can you have it. It is true - the fullness of the gospel is true. Too many have given too much for it to be lost. So, it is still here. Now, go and find it for yourself, and I promise you, that if you desire it with all of your heart, you will find it. And it will fill up your cup so that it is overflowing with joy.

The Thinking Has Been Done!!!

(Truth Never Changes Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 59-61)

In a recent talk at BYU, one of the General Authorities gave some advice to the students there.  Though I could agree with much of the talk, yet there were parts that left me perplexed.

In speaking of the family and upon the principles of virtue and chastity, I feel to say AMEN to what was said.  Nevertheless, in saying that the Family Proclamation, or any other document, that carries the signatures of the First Presidency, and the Quorum of the Twelve is the word of the Lord presents some doctrinal problems.

The speaker quotes Joseph Fielding Smith, thus bringing an authoritarian air of confidence to this line of reasoning.  I am truly amazed at this logic.  How often we see that mankind seeks to place their faith upon a man, instead of upon the Lord or as in this case, upon a set of men.

The popular doctrine of “Follow the Living Prophet” is not only held up by the Church, but also expounded by the Groups, as well.  At least the Catholics are honest enough to claim infallibility for the Pope.  We proclaim that we don’t believe in the doctrine of infallibility and then proceed to teach it.  Perhaps we are not as honest as the Catholics?  Some questions come to mind:

1)      Can our Prophets get the word of the Lord, and when should we
2)      Accept it as such, then
3)      When should we obey it as such?

Jeremiah 28 tells of how we can determine if a prophet speaks the word of the Lord or not.  In verse 9, we find, “The prophet, which prophesieth of peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the Lord truly hath sent him.”

A review of Chapter 28 would be enlightening on this subject.  We, as they, can hear diverse prophets telling us different things, or putting forth conflicting viewpoints upon the same subject.  What is one to do?

If we consider the Prophet Joseph to be a true prophet of God, then the following statement is of great value to us:

Now, taking it for granted that the Scriptures say what they mean, and mean what they say, we have sufficient grounds to go on and prove from the Bible that the Gospel has always been the same; the ordinances to fulfill its requirements, the same, and the offices to officiate, the same; and the signs and fruits resulting from promises, the same.  Joseph Smith, TPJS p 264

President Brigham Young said in General Conference on April 7, 1850 something that I find very significant:

I never was afraid of Joseph, although many would falter and feared Joseph would go astray.  I did not serve Joseph, but patterned after the doctrine the Lord has revealed through him.  There was no possibility of Joseph leading the people astray.  I thought that God would suffer a man to lead a righteous people astray I would not serve him.  I would leave him and seek another; I serve the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers; he has called Joseph and will never let him lead this people astray, but when he has done his work he will take him to himself.  I was never afraid of my friends, and you need not be; the Lord Almighty will never suffer this people to go astray, unless they as a people want to follow iniquity; Never, no never, NO NEVER.”

There is the key: President Young puts the responsibility right back where it belongs.  It rests with us—and no one can get around that.  There is another doctrine that is often taught as a justification for failing to administer blessings to people—“We won’t bestow this upon you because you might fail.”

I would ask: For what purpose are the “Keys” of the Priesthood given to men?  Are they not to bless individuals and bestow blessings upon them?  Is not the Priesthood the authorization to administer (legally) the saving/exalting ordinances as revealed by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.?  What then should be the criteria for such administrations?  I think all would agree that the worthiness of the recipient should be a consideration.  But at the present time not at some future point in time.

If a Priesthood leader concludes, “I won’t bestow such and such upon you because you probably won’t live up to it.” That in itself presupposes that the leader himself will REMAIN FAITHFUL!!  There are no guarantees that any of us will not fall.  It is with fear and trembling that we must work out our salvation from the greatest to the least ordained.

Surely the Priesthood has a responsibility to see that people are not given ordinances unworthily.  It also goes without saying that we must understand that the Lord directs His work upon the earth.  His servants must seek diligently His will and do the work the Lord desires to be done.  NOT SET UP HEGEMONY ACCORDING TO PERSONAL FRIENDSHIP OR FAMILY TIES!

Again looking to President Young: “Let every man stand in his lot and calling as long as he can, and not complain that this Bishop and that President cannot perform his duty.  Why can he not?  Because you are exercising your faith against him, which, in many instances, is the reason why he is trammeled.  If the faith, spirit and life of the people are right, they would not be troubled with bad Bishops and bad Presidents, and I would not be so troubled with affairs which should be attended to by others.  Live so you can discern the things of God so that you can at once discern between the things of God, the things of man and the things of the devil.

“I would beseech and pray the people to so live that if I do not magnify my office and calling, you will burn me by your faith and good works, and I shall be removed.”  October 7, 1859, Salt Lake City

Now there is the direct opposite of infallibility and places the responsibility directly upon you and I.  We must cultivate a relationship with the Lord to know His voice; to feel His Spirit; to draw close to Him.

Don’t delve into the mysteries.”  “Don’t ask about that—you’re not a peer.”   “Trust the living prophet.”   “When the prophet speaks, the thinking has been done.”  All these little cliques have within them the “seeds of destruction”.  Can we truly rely upon a document with impressive seals or must we make intercession with the Lord?

The obvious question is: Do we really trust the Spirit of the Lord to speak directly to us?  Or do our insecurities take over and we feel that the Lord just doesn’t speak to us?  Again: “The Lion of the Lord,” Brother Brigham has some timely advice: “Let every man and woman know themselves, whether their leaders are walking in the path the Lord dictates or not.  This has been my exhortation continually.”  (J. of D. 9:150)

Moroni also promised that we could know the truth of ALL things—not some things or most things—but ALL THINGS. 

Do we really want to know?  What happens when we find out?  Often, we become alone (figuratively speaking) as Moroni…but then TRUTH NEVER CHANGES.

March 7, 2001

—The Editor—  (Brother J. Ted Jessop)


Peter and Molly Puritan, with their three children, are members of the Church of the Righteous Children in God.  Nick and Mary Free live next door on one side of them, on the other side are Joe and Sally Liberace living with their one little girl.  Living together as neighbors, they are all in the same Church, which makes it so nice, as they have so much in common to talk about.

Their preacher in charge of their Church.  John Priestly, gives excellent sermons each Sunday, exhorting the people to “keep the Law of the Bible” and do good deeds so as to find themselves approved of God, shunning all sinful thoughts and activities.

One Sunday afternoon, Brother Priestly gave a particular rousing sermon on the need for Church members to watch the flock to make sure that “no wolves come amongst them unawares and devour the flock.” 
Peter and Molly promised themselves faithfully that they would be especially vigilant and make sure “that there is no iniquity among them,” as Brother Priestly counseled.

One bright and warm Saturday afternoon, Molly, looking out her kitchen window as she was bottling fruit, noticed Brother Free lying out in his backyard on the grass, in nothing but a bathing suit. 
Wow,” she thought to herself, “What’s up with that?”  As she was carefully watching this scene, the Free’s oldest daughter, Martha, came out in her bathing suit and laid on the grass next to her dad, both of them smiling at each other.  Martha giggled a little as she basked in the warm sunlight of a pleasant Saturday afternoon.

Molly watched intently for a good 10 minutes, thinking to herself, “This doesn’t look right.”  She rehearsed to herself all the reasons it didn’t look right, remembering the things that she had been taught at Church about such “things”.

When her husband, Peter, came home that night, she had a rousing “chat” with him about what she had witnessed, embellishing a tad her suspicions and her “concerns”, especially “for the Free children”.  “What if those parents are abusing their children? The way that Brother Free “smiled” at his daughter was not right. At the very least they are misleading their children into wickedness and licentiousness, allowing them to ‘prance around’ in nothing more than their ‘underwear’ in front of each other.”

Peter became very concerned, remembering Brother Priestly’s exhortation from the week before.  What could he do?  Have a “word” with Brother Free?  No, that might be embarrassing and surely, it would upset Brother Free.  No, the best thing to do would be to NOT get involved.  Yes, that’s what he would do. Just leave it to Priestly, as he can discern the true situation and react accordingly. And his family would go along with whatever Priestly decided—no need to do any more “investigation”.

That night, Peter heard a commotion outside of his house.  Looking outside, he saw Sister Free, running from the house, bruised and battered, softly crying, getting into a strange car, passenger side, and being whisked away by some unknown driver.  As he watched, Nick came out of the door, looked both ways and went back inside.

Oh my gosh,” thought Peter, “Nick’s beating his wife; and she’s left him to get away from the beating.  Oh, we’ve GOT to put an end to his wickedness.”

The following morning, Peter called Brother Priestly and told him all that he and his wife had witnessed the previous 24 hours.

 “Yes,” Brother Priestly exclaimed, “I have been getting ‘other reports’ of their non-Biblical activities.  I’ve also come to find out that one of Brother Free’s Grandfathers is Wilson Free, a man who rebelled against Church Law and was an apostate who did so much damage to our people.”

“Well, no wonder he’s so evil, “retorted Peter. 

“Well,” observed Brother Priestly, “I think we’ll have to tell him that he is no longer invited to our congregation.  We can’t have men like that influencing our young people and possibly leading them astray. Hopefully, Brother Free will understand and not make a scene.  If he gets ‘angry’, and makes a scene, that will constitute proof positive that he is guilty.”

That Sunday, John Priestly quietly and carefully motioned Brother Free to his office after the worship service. 

“Nick, we’ve been friends for years. And we know all the good work you’ve done with the youth and our Spanish-speaking members.  But we’ve had many credible reports from a lot of people telling us that you are falling far short in your Godly walk before this Church.”  And Brother Priestly rehearsed to him all of the evidence that he had been given and how it was mounting against him, proving his guilt in violating Church Law. 

Brother Free looked dumb founded, as if he’d seen a ghost, the wind knocked out of him.  “Brother Priestly, I’ve done no such things.  I love this Church. I love you. I love this people. I have always paid my tithing.  I have kept my marriage vows. I have striven to walk Godly before this Church.  I have done none of these things you accuse me of. Where is your proof of these things you accuse me of?  How can you do this thing to me?”

Brother Priestly replied nonchalantly “Well, we can’t talk about it.  We don’t want to hurt your wife and daughter.  We’ve got to protect them from any adverse publicity that might come from this expose of your wicked conduct.  We’ve also prayed about your guilt and God has revealed to all of us that you are guilty of these things you stand accused of.”

“I demand a CHURCH TRIAL!!!” Brother Free yelled.

“Calm down now”, insisted Brother Priestly, “getting angry like this just proves your guilt all the more”.

“BUT I’M NOT GUILTY”, yelled Brother Free.  

Brother Priestly responded coolly, “If you’d like a Church court, we can have one, but you will not be allowed to speak or call witnesses.  We just want you to sit and listen.”

“What kind of a Church Trial is that? That is a mockery of the Bible and all that we stand for in this Church,” cried Nicholas Free.

Brother Priestly, firmly but calmly answered Brother Free’s angry demand and claim of innocence: “You can get out of our Church. We want no such men in it.”

With that Brother Free turned around, walked out, finding his family and loading them in the car, returning home.  He has not darkened the doors of that Church again, which is just fine with the congregation, having eliminated one of those wolves that Brother Priestly warned them about.

About two weeks later, Peter Puritan happened to be in Joe Liberace’s hardware store.  As he perused the counter, he noticed behind the counter, a big open package of tobacco, part of the tobacco missing.  Tobacco? 

Well, we don’t allow tobacco in our Church.  I wonder why he is using tobacco against our Church law?” Peter thought to himself.  “I’ll have to watch Brother Joe.”

The following day, as Peter came home from work, he glanced in the direction of Joe’s house and saw, Joe hauling groceries out of the back of his Sandy Station Wagon.  To his surprise, Joe was hauling a case of Budweiser from his car and taking it into his house. 

Golly,” thought Peter, “He’s into drinking alcohol now.  He’s got to know that is against the Church. I wonder if I should ask him about that. Nah. I won’t confront him about that. Maybe, I’ll mention it to our pastor and he can mention it to Joe.”

That night, about 2 AM, Peter heard the loud singing of a drunk outside.  Looking outside, he saw a man, which looked a lot like Joe, pounding on Joe’s door, and yelling at the top of his drunken lungs, using the worse profanity he’d ever hear. 

“Oh, this is too much.  Now, Joe has gone and gotten himself drunk.  I wonder if Joe and Sally are having marital trouble?”  Almost in reply to his question, Peter heard a raucous and wild yell from behind the door—a female voice, complete with ugly profanity—in essence, inviting Joe to leave and “go sleep off his drunken stupor.”

Peter was “heartbroken”.  Peter knew “something had to be done.”  It was bad enough that he had lost Nick and Mary to wickedness and debauchery.  Would he now have to lose his other neighbor to drunkenness, tobacco and marital discord?  Oh, if he could only get to Brother Priestly fast enough, to give Joe and Sally  “the warning voice” and save them from this pit of despair they were falling into.

Peter chatted with Molly about the looming disaster that Joe and Sally were falling into. “What can we do?” they asked themselves. 
“I know”, Peter replied, “We’ll leave it in the hands of Priestly.” 
To which Molly agreed.
No use getting “involved”.

Soon enough, the whole Church knew about the Liberace’s problems.  Joe was a drunk, and a smoker, Sally an angry wife in an abusive marriage.  After all, they only had one child, and now everyone had figured out the reason.  And besides, it was rumored that Joe’s uncle was that famous Liberace piano player who was gay and died of AIDS, a number of years back. “And we all KNOW that homosexuality is an inherited trait.  And that’s what’s REALLY going on…. Joe is a ‘closet homosexual’, having only the one child he and Sally have.  That’s why Sally fights with him. That’s why Joe is a drunk. To help him over the despair he must feel for being ‘gay’.”

The following Sunday, Brother Priestly again had one of those most difficult Priestly interviews.  “Brother Joe and Sister Sally.  We have come to know of some things you are doing that are in violation of our Church Law.  You need to go. There is nothing we can do for you, except to call you to repent of your problems that are separating you from the Church.  Your problems and your lack of repentance of those problems are more than we can handle.  You can get out of our Church. We want no such men in it.”

Joe and Sally didn’t say a thing.  They just quietly walked out the door and headed for their car, collecting their little daughter on the way. 

John Priestly thought to himself, “Well, they must be guilty.  They didn’t even protest.  In Bible Law, silence is consent or an admission of guilt.   Well, it’s good to get rid of the riff raff from this Church.  We don’t’ need people like that ‘detracting’ from the Spirit of our Church that we are striving to have and maintain in our meetings and among our people.”

Years have come and gone since The Church of the Righteous Children in God got rid of the Free’s and the Liberace’s. Many members have joined and many members have left.  Brother Priestly ascribes this to the Biblical doctrine of “the sifting”, the separation of the wheat and the tares.  “Some have what it takes to be members of our Church. Some don’t. The Lord’s servants always sift the members, getting rid of the chaff and keeping the wheat, who we are.”

Finally, after many years, much to the Puritans’ delight, the Church finally has a core of righteous men and women, with righteous children living up to the Church’s name, of which the Puritan’s are a part.  Now, their place in heaven is assured!!!


The Free’s

  1. Nick Free and his daughter had been afflicted with a skin rash, the result of their recent trip to Mexico to help the poor and the needy there as part of their Christian service.  The doctor had advised them that they needed to expose their skin to healthy doses of sunlight to rid themselves of their skin rash.  But who cares if they were out in their backyard “sunbathing” and enjoying a lazy Saturday afternoon in the sun?

  1. Mary Free has a twin sister, Martha Free, who came and sought refuge one late night after being beat up by her husband.   After talking on the phone, her abusive husband came in the middle of the night and picked her up in the family car and took her home, over the protests of her sister.  But what business is it of the Puritans’ to meddle in their affairs and “report” what they had seen without asking the Free’s about what happened?

  1. Nick Free’s grandfather was NOT Wilson Free, who had broken Church law and the famous persecutor of the Church, but rather Benjamin Free, the missionary who did so much to build up the Church, who was finally killed by his brother.  But even if Wilson Free was his Grandfather, what do progenitors have to do with a man’s current standing before the Lord?

The Liberace’s

  1. Joe Liberace had been asked by a customer to help heal one of his animals. Joe had purchased tobacco for that purpose and was using it to that end.

2.   Joe purchased a case of beer to use in a barter exchange with his favorite shade tree mechanic, who offered to fix his car for free, if Joe would provide the beer.  Joe was broke and needed his car repaired, so he took his mechanic up on the offer.

3.   Joe’s brother, Ronnie, is an alcoholic.  On the night in question, Ronnie’s wife, also an alcoholic, came to Joe’s and Sally’s house to find refuge and to see if she could rid herself of her addiction.  As she did this, her husband, now inebriated, came looking for his wife, pounding on the door, his wife yelling back in anger through the door. Peter “assumed” it was Joe and Sally that were drunk and fighting.

  1. Joe is not related to the famous piano player, Liberace, as if who you are related to matters in regards to your standing before the Lord.  Homosexuality is NOT an inherited trait.

  1. Joe’s wife, Sally, could ever only have one child.  She was adjudged infertile by the doctors who told her she would never have any children because of her affliction.  It was a great heartache to her, but the Lord heard her faithful prayers and sent one beautiful and sweet little lady to their family, in a very miraculous way, which she never shared with anyone outside of her family and which she kept sacred.


In dealing with the self-righteous, the FIRST rule is to “never confuse them with the FACTS or the TRUTH, when their minds are already made up”.  It just confuses them.

You’ll notice in each of these situations, that no one ever inquired of the Free’s or the Liberace’s as to any of these “issues” that Church members raised, but rather passed judgment without investigation.  Self-righteousness does this to people—coming to conclusions without investigation.  We decry it when it was done to Joseph Smith, the Prophet and the early Latter-day Saints and recite many stories from Mormon History as to the persecution and false stories that circulated around about the Mormons. But can we see it when we are the perpetrators?

Puritanism is not just inherent to that generation when there were a great number of Puritans in the Eastern United States.  That affliction which they suffered in the witch trials of the 16th Century, is inherent in all human beings, be they Catholics trying heretics in the Inquisition, Moslems beheading an infidel (kafir) for denying the Faith, Protestant ministers persecuting Mormon converts and spreading lies and pernicious falsehoods about this group of people, or Mormons themselves persecuting each other under some species of rumors and false reports, which winds up doing injury to a great number of people and nothing for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

Understanding that we are all subject to the “Righteousness of the Puritans”, we should look to be careful in what we hear, perceive, or “come to know about others” and rather, focus on our own walk with the Lord and our own need to repent and become pure in our thoughts and actions.  And if we have questions or concerns, go directly to the person and “hash it out” until we are satisfied that we are in possession of the TRUTH.  “Ye shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall make you free” as Jesus said… free of “righteous Puritanism” and all that entails.

As Brigham Young said so succinctly in his time and with good reason, “The Mormon motto is ‘To mind your own business’.”

A Dream

                   As I was sleeping, I dreamed that I had taken someone to Charles Zitting and Louis Kelsch in prison.
                   As we returned to one of our homes, I felt the need to go to the other (houses), as it was on higher ground.  E__, R______ and I hurried on.  It began to storm (and) soon the usually lower waters were running hard.  Nevertheless the flood was confined to a storm drain channel that was built by the forefathers. 
                   The water was now running with great force, so as the street we were walking on received some of the effects of the flood—but not to the extent that we couldn’t travel.
                   We reached the house and climbed up the stairway in the yard.  Our house was on high ground and still had lights, due to the height, whereas all before on the streets (below) there were lights going out with the storm.
                   We felt safe inside the house and knew that the effects of the storm would not impact us there.

                   (Signed) Jackson Ted Jessop, 28 February 1999.

(I once heard Brother Ted relate this dream, and he stated he felt the significance of it was that the powers of hell could not reach those high places of God because of the work our Priesthood predecessors had previously accomplished.  The “house” of this dream, he said was the House of the Lord—a Temple.)

The Kingdom or Nothing!!!

Excerpt From The

            Tuesday, May 15, 1945

            In the county jail up to 1:45 pm, when we went to hear the arguments of our attorneys J. M. McKnight and Samuel Adelstein, and Roberts of the opposition, and the judges decision.
            I was allowed to use the telephone by Mrs. Richards and called my home.  No one was present.  I called Lillian at the place where she worked and spoke to her.  I asked her not to come to the courthouse and also, to ask Thelma to stay away.  I did not feel good.  I expected we would be sent to the penitentiary and did not wish them to see us and have their feelings wounded more than they were.  The way things looked, I expected we would be vindicated and sent home.  I wanted to surprise them by coming home.  Everything was going victorious in our way yesterday in the courtroom.
            Just before the court was to convene, County Attorney Wallace walked up to Judge Crockett and whispered something to him. Wallace was accompanied by Skeen and others; all of whom went and sat down.  We noticed Crockett’s face turn red.
            When the arguments got under way, we noticed a decided change in the judge’s statements and attitude.  He rendered a decision against every one of us.  We watched the faces of our enemies.  They sat there calm and serene as if knowing what would take place.  The writ was denied and we are again remanded to the Sheriff’s custody.
            When we left, there were a lot of moist eyes.  None of my family was present, several of the other brethren’s families were represented.  At the County Jail, we gathered up our personal belongings and were told to go into automobiles awaiting us down outside the jail.
            As Brother John Y. Barlow was coming from the top floor the jailer, Mr. Smith, stopped him and said, “I am responsible for your going to jail.  You broke up my son’s home, and this is your pay for doing it. The Church has nothing to do with this.  I am responsible for it all.”           
            I looked at Mr. Smith as John was leaving him and saw he was full of anger; his face was white.  As we got into our cars we saw Mr. Smith’s wife outside of the jail sitting in a car watching us enter our cars and seeming elated and rejoicing over our being taken to prison.  Several persons seemed to know just what was going to happen to us.
            We entered the prison offices shortly after three pm.  We got checked in about 5 pm. 
            The Sheriff, in whose car I was riding to the penitentiary said, “This is the first time I have ever taken anyone to the State Prison without bodyguards.  You men are not criminals.  You won’t be there longer than six months.”
            As we entered the prison grounds, men seemed to come from every direction.  They chuckled, laughed, joked and remarked.  We had all of our personal belongings taken from us.  Warden John E. Harris came in among us while this was taking place, shook hands, and asked our names.
            He said, “I have reserved the best building for you; it is modern and has more comforts than the others.  You probably will all be taken to the Point of the Mountain after quarantine.”
            We had news reporters and photographers around us.  They asked for more pictures and remarks from us.
            The Warden said, “We need not have any taken unless we were agreeable.” 
We had several pictures taken by both the Tribune and Deseret News photographers after we got inside the walls and we were promised copies.
We were next given mattresses and three blankets apiece and assigned to bldg. 3, third floor, south tier.  We each were assigned a cell.  My cell was quite clean.  Next, we were taken out and given supper.  Every inmate came out of the buildings, others stared through the windows, viewing the spectacle.  Many of them looked mean and vicious to me.  After supper, we fixed our beds and remained together talking before the doors closed for the night.

Wednesday, May 16, 1945

In place of being confined, we were given much freedom to walk and talk in the corridors among each other.  We also went and had a blood test.  The food was fair and seemed to be quite plentiful.  We began to make acquaintances with guards and prison officials; also inmates.  It was general knowledge why we were here.  Some told us we were victims of persecution; others we had courage to stand by the original gospel as upheld by the Mormon Church. They showed us considerable respect.  Nearly everybody admitted we were not criminals.
We held a circle prayer today.

Thursday, May 17, 1945

Plenty of freedom was given us.  Plenty of food.  The Captain of the guard, Bay Smart, spent an hour with us.  He is very friendly.  He said, “You men have already had more freedom given you than anybody that has ever been here that I know of.”
I did considerable reading.  Inmates regard us as gentlemen.  We are treated as such.  If it was not for iron bars around us, I would think it was not too bad.  We are among each other through the day and speak freely with one another.  We exercise by walking.  All seem happy and make the best of their lot.

Friday, May 18, 1945

This morning when we all got together, Brother John Y. Barlow related the following dream:
“Brethren, last night I had the following dream—I dreamt we were all together.  We were in a valley of large, ripe wheat to the west.  I went out into it to see where we should commence to cut it, and as I was making the examination, the rest were getting machinery together to do the cutting with.  Tot he east of the valley, there was another beautiful field of wheat all ready to be harvested, also.  As I stood among it, it stood higher than I stand, with great heads on it.  To the south was another field of wheat, but not quite so good.”
He indicated it represented the people who were ready to receive the Gospel as revealed in its fullness by Joseph Smith—that a great harvest of souls was near.
Later in the day, John told me, “I expect soon we will be called out on missions and go among the people and preach this law.”
Early in the morning hours, Charles (Zitting) said he also had a manifestation.  He told us all, “By ten days we would be free men!” 
This was given something like a prophecy.
Rulon Allred said, “Somebody came into my call and said to me, ‘If we would be humble and prayerful, we would soon be out.  If we kept our covenants to the end, we would all be exalted in the Kingdom of God.’ ”
One of the inmates loaned me his portable radio.  His name was Tommy Harmon.  I hooked it up and all of us brethren got together in my cell, some leaning in at the door, and listened to the funeral services held over the remains of Pres. Heber J. Grant.  He was the man who said, “I will rejoice when some of this best-blooded people are in county jails or the state penitentiary!”
When the raid was commenced, March 7, 1944, a statement of the First Presidency was carried by every local paper over the signatures of the three, telling the world they had assisted in securing the evidence and bringing about our prosecutions and the evidence needed to convict us in the courts of the land.  We also recounted the statement of Mark Peterson of the Council of the Twelve to the Associated Press.
The speakers tried to preach Pres. Grant into the Celestial Kingdom—into the seventh heavens, but it won’t hold water.  He will go down to a very low place.
Our attorneys were here at the prison today.  It has been decided to appeal the habeas corpus case on up to the State Supreme Court.

May 23, Wednesday

God out of quarantine this morning.  Deputy Warden, Parker Van Fleet called us all to the front gate and asked if we would like to go outside daily and work on the farm.  We were told it was voluntary; we did not have to go.  We all replied, “Yes.”
He told me he was from Garland and my brother Peter Boss’s family was known to him.
We had a guard placed to watch over us.  His name was Ralph Hutchinson.  He told us out in the field his grandfather was one of many who also had been in this penitentiary for his living plural marriage.  We weeded carrots.

May 30

Worked half a day.  Read this afternoon and evening.  Brother John Y. and I discussed early Utah history where all Saints were re-baptized for the renewal of their covenants.  He asked me what I thought of its being repeated again?
He asked me to think about it, and said he “intended having this done by starting down south (Short Creek) after we had our freedom.”
Nine of us brethren were about our cells; we were called to have a circle prayer.  SEEMS LIKE WE MEN ARE NOT ALL FULLY UNITED.  Some are acting like boys.  We were told in this prayer circle, we were heads of families.  Brother Zitting asked Joseph the purpose of this prison life.  Joseph said, “It was designed as a method of teaching us; that it would prove a Zion’s camp to us. From among us some would be chosen and selected for greater responsibilities.”
Brother John Y. said, “Brethren, we are now in the wall that I saw.  We are before the wall; and we can expect Brother Joseph the Prophet now any day.”  He also told us to “get down and be more serious-minded; to leave all the ball games and picture shows alone.”  He told us to study the Scriptures.

Sunday, June 3, 1945

Had my first visits today at the prison.  My four daughters came to see me.  It was a very strange experience indeed.  Hard to control my emotions.  It rained heavily today, many tears were shed by the wives and children who visited their fathers and husbands.
Expecting a decision on the habeas corpus case soon.  I was told the judge would have exonerated us, but that orders had come otherwise, that forced his hand.  Evidently, he was afraid he would have lost his judgeship.
Brother Joseph W. Musser won’t be very long here they way I feel.  Maybe just long enough to fulfill a certain purpose.  To be a real witness.

June 6

It rained all day.  I. W. Barlow said last evening, while silently meditating on his bed, he saw in a passing vision a man who came and said, “follow me”.  There was a great thud, doors opened, and we all followed him and left the cells.  On the outside, another thud followed—an earthquake—all buildings fell; walls collapsed.  Only the steel structure was left. The south building caught fire; the barns and other buildings caught fire.  We fifteen men were all together out in the yard in a circle, like holding a prayer.
I told him what some sister had related she saw in a dream before we came in.  it savored of similar things.
After being instructed by the two heads of the Priesthood, all of us brethren were told, that hereafter, every night at 8 pm, when a signal was given, we should all bow in prayer before the Lord in our cells, and when praying, we should face the temple.  Our prayer was to be for God to deliver us in a manner suitable to Him.

                                  *                        *                      *
June 9, 1945
She may be a woman that is sealed.  An unmarried woman under covenant.  FORNICATION: See Celestial Marriage, pp. 11-19

June 10, 1945

We have been told by inmates here that their cooked food was 25% better since we polygamist men had arrived in prison.  They had better food and more of it. The reason for this was, we represented some of the prominent families in this state; and they had increased the food in order that there would be no reflection on the prison heads here, after we had left the institution.  Some inmates made similar statements three weeks ago.

June 11, 1945
A clear day for once.  Cutting weeds all day.  Was told of a letter which had been sent to Apostle George F. Richards by a grandson of his here in prison, and of the reply that was received.  The reply was made in one paragraph. The Priesthood has a copy of this correspondence and intend using it some time in TRUTH magazine.
Joseph gave some instructions to us as follows:
“This is an important week.  Brethren call on the Lord, be meek, and humble. Et down to real business, do away with all nonsense.  Our writ of habeas corpus will be decided next Thursday.  It is now or ever.”
We were told this out in the field.
After work Joseph said to us, “Read D&C 54:3—there is the answer.”
This verse reads: “And if your brethren desire to escape their enemies, let them repent of all their sins, and become truly humble before me and contrite.”
(To be continued…)
Holiness to the Lord!
VOL. 10, No. 7
July, 2006

PO Box 433 St. Johns, AZ 85936-0433 USA

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