Saturday, June 2, 2012

Truth Never Changes Volume 10, Number 6

Volume 10                June  2006 Edition                  Number 6
YIn The Spirit and Tradition of Truth Magazine Y



ITS OPPOSITE……………………………...209
COMMENTARY ON ………………………218
THE PRODIGAL SON……………………..221
GUEST EDITORIAL……………………….225
C. P. M.: THE SAVIOR’S PERFECT EXAMPLE………………………………….236
DIARY of ARNOLD BOSS, Pt. 1………...238

Many people imagine that there is something sinful in marriage; there is an apostate tradition to that effect.  This is a false and very harmful idea.  To the contrary, God not only commends, but He commands marriage.  While man was yet immortal, before sin had entered into the world, our Heavenly Father Himself performed the first marriage.  He united our first parents in the bonds of holy matrimony and commanded them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.  This command He has never changed, abrogated or annulled; but it has continued in force throughout all the generations of mankind.

Without marriage the purposes of God would be frustrated so far as this world is concerned, for there would be none to obey His other commands.  God created this earth as a home for the children whom He had begotten in the spirit, as He had before time created other earths, innumerable to man, for the same purpose.

Without marriage this world would have remained an empty wilderness without inhabitants, or I children were born thereon by promiscuous intercourse, without restraint or law, man would have been a savage without family ties or relationships and the whole world would have been a pandemonium, little less than a hell.  Indeed it is altogether probable that had such conditions existed, humanity would have died out in a few generations—the children would have been left uncared for and unprotected, and, of those who grew to manhood, every man’s hand would have been against his neighbor, and woman would have been his victim and his slave.  Marriage is the guardian, the conservator of the human family.

In the history of the nations this lesson is impressed with unvarying uniformity—where marriage has been honored and observed the people have been virtuous, and being virtuous have been strong.  This is written by the hand of time throughout all generations past, and will so continue to the end.

There appears to be something beyond and above the reasons apparent to the human mind why chastity brings strength and power to the peoples of the earth, but it is so.  Let us take Rome, oft times, because of her widespread dominion, called the mistress of the world, as an instance.  For several centuries after the city’s foundation no such thing as a divorce was sought or granted.  Then Rome was the most powerful of all lands.  But a change came, her people grew wealthy in the spoiling of the nations; with wealth came luxury, with luxury licentiousness, until the moral condition of the empire became unspeakably corrupt.  Wives were swapped, bartered and exchanged, put away and divorced for a whim or a fancy, and harlotry was almost universal.  Then swiftly followed her decline and fall, and more virtuous and more vigorous, though from Rome’s standpoint, less civilized races took her place in the world’s history, while all her glory became a memory and a dream never again to be revived.  And what is true of the Romans is true of other races—the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Nephites, as examples.
Today, a flood of iniquity is overwhelming the civilized world.  One great reason therefor is the neglect of marriage; it has lost its sanctity in the eyes of the great majority.  It is at best, a civil contract, but more often an accident or a whim, or a means of gratifying the passions.  And when the sacredness of the covenant is ignored or lost sight of, then a disregard of the marriage vows, under the present moral training of the masses, is a mere triviality, a trifling indiscretion.

The neglect of marriage, this tendency to postpone its responsibilities until middle life that so perniciously affects Christendom is being felt in the midst of the Saints.  To do so is fashionable, it is “in the air”, it is “the correct thing”, early marriages are decried, argued against, frowned down.  Certainly we are not in favor of the very young marriages that prevailed a few centuries ago, when many of the queens of England were married at fourteen, in fact Isabella, daughter of the King of France, was only eight years old when she married (1396) King Richard II.  Mahomet consummated his nuptials with Ayesha when she was only nine years old.  This, the other extreme, is also harmful in its results.

But what we wish to impress upon the Saints is that the legitimate union of the sexes is a law of God, that, to be blessed of Him, we must honor that law, that if we do not do so  the mere fact that we are called by His name will not save us from the evils that neglect of this law entails, that indeed we are only His people when we observe His laws, that when we do not do so we may expect the same unfortunate results to come upon us as flow to the rest of humanity from the same causes.  In other words, “human nature is human nature” in saint or sinner, and we shall surely witness licentiousness increase in our midst if we disregard and neglect honorable wedlock.

We believe that every man hold the holy priesthood should be married, with the very few exceptions of those, who through infirmities of mind or body are not fit for marriage.  Every man is a worse man in proportion as he is unfit for the married state.  We hold that no man who is marriageable is fully living his religion who remains unmarried.  He is doing a wrong to himself by retarding his progress, by narrowing his experience, and to society by the undesirable example that he sets to others, as well as he himself, being a dangerous factor in the community.

There are doubtless other reasons than the force of outside example—the influence of the environment, that cause their inclination amongst us to put off marriage.  As a community we are the richest in the world, with the wealth more evenly divided than amongst the other communities—few millionaires and no beggars.  But being thus wealthy our young people are too poor to get married.  They want to commence life at the point that their parents have now reached in affluence and comfort.  This is not necessary, we do not deem it even desirable; certainly not as an excuse for postponing matrimony.

On the other hand, we are of the opinion that many fathers do not do their whole duty by their sons; they do not encourage them to enter the married state by such material assistance as they might reasonably afford.  They do not say, “My boy, if you will get married, I will give you so many acres of my land, where you can build a home and commence life.”

Too often when the son does marry he has to go hundreds of miles away, say to Arizona or Alberta, to make a home that a little consideration on the part of the father would enable him to create at that father’s side.  By this, as we think, sort-sighted course, some fathers have their children scattered from Montana to Mexico, and still the old homestead remains partially untilled, there is more work thereon than the father alone can properly do.

Again, some of our young men seem to be frightened of marriage.  They dread the preposterous claims made by some of the “weaker” sex for “the rights of women”.  When they marry they want a home-keeper and a wife, not a public lecturer—that duty they are willing to relegate to aged maidens and widows.  This feeling may be a foolish one, but it certainly exists, and it is not helpful.  Zion has no place for a war of the sexes.  God intended them to be one, and so declared.  It is not doing His work to keep them separate, or to cause them to feel that they have diverse and opposed interests, and that separation, not union, is the object of their creation.  He who discountenances marriage is opposing God’s law and injuring humanity.

We say to our young people, get married, and marry aright.  Marry in the faith, and let the ceremony be performed in the place God has appointed.  Live so that you may be worthy of this blessing.  If, however, obstacles not at present removable, prevent this most perfect form of marriage, have your Bishop perform the ceremony, and then, at the earliest possible moment, go to the Temple.  But do not marry those out of the Church, as such unions almost always invariably lead to unhappiness and quarrels and often finally to separation.  Besides they are not pleasing in the sight of Heaven.  The believer and the unbeliever should not be yoked together, for sooner or later, in time or in eternity, they must be divided again.

And now we desire with holy zeal to emphasize the enormity of sexual sins.  Though often regarded as insignificant by those not knowing the will of God, they are in His eyes, an abomination, and if we are to remain His favored people they must be shunned as the gates of Hell.  The evil results of these sins are so patent in vice, crime, misery, and disease that it would appear that all, young and old, must perceive and sense them.  They are destroying the world.  If we are to be preserved we must abhor them, for they weaken and enervate, they kill man spiritually, they make him unfit for the company of the righteous and the presence of God.

In conclusion we wish to impress upon our brethren who locally preside in Zion the importance of enforcing these truths upon the minds of our youth, and of their encouraging in every way their positions give them opportunity, righteous wedlock amongst the Saints.—Joseph F. Smith, (Juvenile Instructor, Vol. 37, page 400)


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Following is a sermon preached by Elder Lorin C. Woolley at the funeral of Sister Rose Kelsch, held January 17, 1932.  Sister Kelsch was one of the wives of Louis A. Kelsch, who had spent his major years in the mission field and who, as we view it, died a martyr’s death:

My dear brothers and sisters, I consider it an honor to be asked to speak at this good woman’s funeral services.  I have been intimately acquainted with the family for something over thirty years, with her and her good husband, and I have known their lives and her life.  I felt it an honor to be called their friend and I feel it a privilege to call them my friends.

This woman has gone to meet her husband, her father, and her maker on the other side.  She will meet her Lord for she was an elect lady.  This I know because I have known her a long time.  Satan could not tempt her because she had her power and will, and reason at all times, and thereby she became an elect lady of the Lord.  She was one woman among a thousand.  I believe I made the remark the other night at her home that she was one among a million and this I think is a better comparison than one among a thousand.

I have known but very few women in my life that have lived as near the laws of Sarah as did this dear woman we called Aunt Rose Kelsch.

I say I have known her for over thirty years intimately.  I have visited her at her home time and time again during that time, and have always found her the same.  I was there the day she was taken sick and when I was leaving she said she wanted to ask me some questions when I came back again.  I have often wondered what questions she wanted to ask me.

I know that she has gone to her glory because she lived the law of God as she understood it and she understood it very well.  Very few people understand the law of the Lord Jesus Christ as did Rose Kelsch.  She lived it as she understood it, and therefore she is going back to her exaltation.  There is no doubt in my mind but what she is a queen and a Priestess unto God at this time.  What more can we say of a woman than that?  That she will receive her exaltation I have no doubt.

The resurrection is a thing that few of us understand.  We know that Jesus Christ was resurrected and that He does live.  That He lived a pure life, and that He rose up on the third day.  We know that Joseph Smith was a true Prophet and that he has been resurrected.  And I see no reason why this good woman should lay in her grave very long.  I believe that her good husband has been resurrected before now, for you know, for many, many years, he worked and lived in accordance with God’s laws and thereby gaining more and more power; and I have no doubt but that his body has been called up by Him.  Therefore, why should she lay long?  She lived a pure life and as she laid it down pure why should she lay there long to be purified?

I know that the resurrection is going on.  I know every principle of it was given to us that we might come back into the presence of our God and Savior.  And if we live those laws so shall we be exalted.  I know this as I know that I live this day.  No man or set of men can take it from us, for if we will only live the laws of God we will be exalted and taken back into His presence.  And I say this knowing that I will have to meet my God and give an account of every word I say at this or any other time.  I know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God and that he lived the laws as they were given to him, and I know that this good woman lived the laws of God as they were revealed to her.

Now this is my testimony and I pray it in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen  (TRUTH 13:322-323)  {This was included because little of Lorin C. Woolley’s speeches have been preserved or recorded in their entirety.
—Associate Editor—}



(Orson Pratt, The Seer, pp.188-189)

Did not the Lord greatly bless and prosper Jacob both before and after he became a Polygamist? 

Did he not continue to give him many revelations and visions, and send hosts of angels to converse with him?

If Polygamy were a crime, would not God have informed him of the fact?

If it were sinful, would he have saved him in His kingdom without repentance?

As Jacob did not repent, but continued as a Polygamist until his death, and as he was saved, he must have been saved in his sins; for God does not forgive sins without repentance; or, otherwise, polygamy is no sin.

Why did the Lord restrain Sarai, Abram’s wife, from bearing?  (GEN 16:2).

Was it not because she for a long time neglected to give Abram another wife that he might become the father of many nations?

After she had given Hagar to her husband, the Lord then condescended to give her a son. 

If polygamy were criminal and sinful, why did Rachel give Billah to her husband?

Would she have sacrificed her feelings in this way for the sake of committing sin?

Would she have sacrificed, not only the dearest earthly object she had, but also subjected herself to sin and condemnation and run the risk of sacrificing her eternal salvation, merely for the object of having Billah raise up children for her?

What benefit would Billah’s children be to her, compared with the love which a wife has for her husband, and especially with the love of justification before God?

Does not this example then of self-sacrifice show most conclusively that Rachel acted from a higher motive than the ruin of her soul for the sake of her husband’s raising up children by Billah?

Does it not prove that a sense of duty alone operated upon her mind and urged her on to make so great a sacrifice?

How did Leah prevail with the Lord to obtain more children?

She had several years before (she) raised unto her husband four sons, but for some reason the Lord had for some length of time restrained her from bearing.  What particular duty did she perform in order to again be blessed with children?

She gave her handmaiden Zilpah to her husband for a wife.  Did this sacrifice produce the desired effect?

Yes it so highly pleased the Lord that He hearkened unto Leah, and she conceived and bare Jacob a fifth son.  And Leah said, “God hath given me my hire because I have given my maiden to my husband”.  (GEN 30).

Can it be said, in this case, that the love of having additional children, born by another woman would have induced her to yield to so great a sacrifice?

If children were the object, she already had them of her own; and certainly, Zilpah’s children could not have been as dear to her as her own dear husband.  What higher object then could have induced her to make the sacrifice?

If plurality were sinful, would she have expected that her sins would prevail with the Lord, and that her crimes would cause him to hearken to her prayer and give her additional children?

If giving her maiden to her husband was offensive to God, why did He hearken to her prayer and bless her for so doing?

Do not all these facts prove that God was highly pleased with the plurality system as practiced by those holy men and women? 

{To be continued…}

An Experience Given to Brother Ted

28 Feb 1999

During the Solemn Assembly, while Loren was saying a beautiful prayer, I saw the Savior hanging upon the cross for my sins.  Oh!  What a debt is mine!!

His hair and beard is longer than what they paint Him to be.

Oh, Lord—blessed and holy is thy name. Thank you and help me show my love for thee by living thy precepts.
In Memoriam

Brother Jackson Ted Jessop
A Lion of Israel

18 February 1942 – 29 June 2002


In the 1991 correspondence between Brian Hales and Vance Allred, (A Search for Truth), Dr. Hales, a published author of anti-Fundamentalist Mormon works, asked, “If the Lorin Woolley 1886 ordinations never occurred, are (we Fundamentalists) still justified before the Lord?

To me, as a student of LDS and Fundamentalist history, the answer is obviously and affirmatively simple:

1)      Section 132 of the Doctrine and Covenants.  This section is about the Plurality of wives, regardless of how contemporary LDS Church members want to vainly interpret and justify their monogamist standpoint.  There is no question to the Lord’s interpretation of His law.  Do these men think they know the Laws of God better than He who gave them?  Why did an angel of God appear to the Prophet Joseph Smith with a drawn sword, commanding him to enter into the principle of Celestial Plural Marriage, or suffer death?  Do the corporate Church members really believe that the Manifesto of 1890, which begins with, “To whom it may concern,” was a revelation from God?  The Principle of Plural Marriage is an Eternal Principle, and it is a law of the Priesthood—not the Church.  The Eternal Priesthood of God organized the Church, which is a temporal entity.
2)      In 1880, in Sunset, Arizona, Wilford Woodruff received a revelation from the Lord, wherein He stated, “And I say again, woe unto that nation or house or people who seek to hinder my people from obeying the Patriarchal Law of Abraham, which leadeth to a Celestial Glory, which has been revealed unto my saints through the mouth of my servant Joseph, for whosoever doeth these things shall be damned, saith the Lord of Hosts, and shall be broken up and wasted away from under heaven by the judgements which I have sent forth, and which shall not return unto me void.”  Why would the Lord change His mind just ten years later?  His mandates are so clear.
3)      John Taylor received a revelation from the Lord on June 25th and 26th in 1882 on Celestial Marriage, wherein the Lord clearly states Celestial Marriage, including the plurality of wives must be obeyed, in order to attain Celestial Glory.
4)      John Taylor also received a revelation (the fourth recorded revelation of that year) in October 13, 1882, and here, the Lord issues instruction to Seymour B. Young to fill the vacancy in the presiding quorum of the Seventies, “…if he will conform to my law; for it is not meet that men who will not abide my law shall preside over my Priesthood…”  And what was that “law”?  It was the Law of Celestial Plural Marriage—Seymour had not yet entered into that Order of marriage.  I find it interesting that the Lord wants polygamists to be the leaders of His Church.  Here, the Lord defines that men living a lesser law cannot preside over those who are living higher laws.
5)      We are all well acquainted with the story of the 1886 revelation.  Dr. Hales’ question did not dismiss the reception of that revelation—he asked if we would be “…justified before the Lord.”  In this revelation, the Lord states, “Have I not given my word in great plainness on this subject?  (Meaning Celestial Plural Marriage)  Yet have not great numbers of my people been negligent in the observance of my law and the keeping of my commandment…Nevertheless I the Lord do not change and my word and my covenants do not.  As I have heretofore said by my servant Joseph all those who would enter into my glory must and shall obey my law.”  How can the Lord’s will regarding this form of marriage become clearer?  And on the other hand, how can anyone with common sense refute these words?
6)      In November, 1889, Wilford Woodruff received another revelation, wherein the Lord warned, “Let not my servants who are called to the Presidency of my Church, deny my word or my law, which concerns the salvation of the children of men.”  And what was the saddening occurrence a year later?
7)      Joseph White Musser:
A)    In November 1899, Joseph Musser, age 27, and his wife were invited by President Lorenzo Snow to the Salt Lake Temple, where he received his higher blessings.  Joseph Musser on that Thanksgiving Day, received all the Priesthood authority a mortal man can receive upon the earth—he received the Apostleship—the Fulness of Priesthood.  For he and his wife, it was indeed, a day of thanksgiving. (Truth Never Changes, Vol. 10, page 90-91)
B)     December 1899, Joseph Musser had been selected by President Snow to enter into Celestial Plural Marriage and “help keep the Principle alive.”  (Ibid.)
C)    In 1915 Joseph Musser was set apart and again issued instruction to “insure the Principle did not die out.”  (Ibid.)
D)    On 14 May 1929, Lorin Woolley set Joseph Musser apart “a High Priest Apostle and a Patriarch to all the world.”  (Ibid.).  This last setting apart—and I call it a setting apart because Joseph Musser received all the authority in 1899.  These later occurrences were merely delegations, so to speak—giving him the right to act, for he already possessed the ability.  Prior to 1886, Lorin Woolley already held a fulness of Priesthood, and had been called to the Apostleship by Brigham Young himself.  This means he received nothing new or more on that date, except the “right to act,” for he also already possessed those keys.
8) Many LDS members urge that we should adhere to all laws of the land, even to the point where the laws of God take the backseat to laws of men.  Section 98 of the Doctrine and Covenants verses 4 and 5 state: “And now, verily I say unto you concerning the laws of the land, it is my will that my people should observe to do all things whatsoever I command them.  And that law of the land which is constitutional, supporting that principle of freedom in maintaining rights and privileges, belongs to all mankind, and is justifiable before me…” 

So as you can see, dear reader, had those ordinations in 1886 never taken place, we Fundamentalist Mormons would still indeed be justified in our course before the Lord, with the provision that the Saints abandoned the Principle of Celestial Plural Marriage, as they did in 1890.  If Plural Marriage were to become legalized within the law of the Land, how many Saints would enter into it?  If that Principle were to be introduced into the Church again, would the Saints still oppose it?  Samuel W. Taylor hypothesized in his book, Rocky Mountain Empire, page 140: “I wonder what today’s Mormons would do if the repeal of sex laws swept away the only reason for not obeying Section 132?  While my crystal ball license has expired, I expect that regardless of Section 132, the Saints would put up a ferocious fight against legislation that would result in the right to practice polygamy.”

The Church was organized on principles of eternal truth, which never change, but the earthly and mortal agencies that administer the affairs of the Church make mistakes which must be corrected from time to time.  These are mortal mistakes, and must be looked for, but we must also expect the Church to progress and continuously improve on its past conception of Management and interpretation of principle.  In my own life I have seen the Church change its view on vital questions several times, and many more changes will take place in the future, but the principles of the Gospel go on forever—they cannot change no more than truth can change.  Joseph W. Musser, January 2, 1922

The Prodigal Son

(From Truth Never Changes, Vol. 5, Number 1, pp. 3-7)

In the Joseph Smith translation of the Bible, Luke, Chapter 15 reads as follows:

“Then drew near unto him, many of the publicans, and sinners to hear him.  And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth sinners and eateth with them.  And he spake this parable unto them, saying, What man of you having a hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine, and go into the wilderness, after that which is lost, until he find it?

“And when he hath found it, he layith it on his shoulders, rejoicing.  And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbors, and sayeth unto them, Rejoice with me: for I found my sheep, which was lost.  I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, who need no repentance.

“Either, what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she find it?  And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbors together, saying, Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece, which I had lost.  Likewise I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repenteth.

“And he said, A certain man had two sons; and the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods, which falleth to me.  And he divided unto them his living.  And not many days after, the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there he wasted his substance with riotous living.  And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land, and he began to want.

“And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine.  And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks, which the swine did eat; and no man gave unto him.  And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!

“I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and before thee; and am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.  And he arose and came to his father.  But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.

“And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.  But the father said unto his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his finger, and shoes on his feet; and bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat and be merry; for this my son, was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.  And they began to be merry.

“Now his elder son was in the field; and as he came, and drew nigh to the house, he heard music and dancing.  And he called one of the servants and asked what these things meant.  And he said unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound.

“And he was angry, and would not go in; therefore came his father and entreated him.  And he answering, said to his father, Lo, these many years do I served thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment; and thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends; but as soon as this, thy son was come, who hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed him for the fatted calf.

“And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.  It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad; for this, thy brother was dead, and is alive again; was lost, and is found.”

We learn some interesting things about the love of God and the mercy of the Lord.  Although these were given almost 2000 years ago, like so many of the Lord’s teachings, they are timeless—that is to say, they equally apply to this day and time.  Also, as so many of them, there are obvious and hidden meanings.

Looking at the parable of the Prodigal son who demanded his share of the family’s goods—tells me that the father was strict in his teachings—the younger waited until he was an adult before he confronted his father.

He wasted his father’s money in wicked living—in a far away country—probably Las Vegas on nice hotels, excellent restaurants, movies, gambling, women with loose morals, drugs, liquor, tobacco; sleeping all day and partying all night, exotic extravaganzas. 

But then—the money ran out!!!

Volumes could be written on good-time, fair-weathered friends.  An old saying says that, “In jail or in the hospital, you find out who your real friends are.”  I once saw a co-worker, semi-active in the Church, who inherited a large sum of money.  His Elder’s Quorum President, who had never come to the store before to see him, now was coming in on a daily basis.  “To help him invest the money,” from the inheritance—an obvious hustle to everyone, but the young man was enjoying the attention.

There arose a famine and the fair-weather friends withered out of sight.  “And no man gave unto him.”  On his own way—away from the protection of his father—he accepted employment as the feeder of swine; the lowest form of work an Israelite could accept—the toilet cleaner; the sewer cleaner; cleaning guts at a slaughter house; sorting through the garbage at the Las Vegas dump.  He was so hungry that the slop he fed the pigs looked good to him and he coveted it.

He came to himself,” somewhere along the line the fever breaks—the deception ends—and we come face-to-face with who we were and what we have become.

The father here can represent God the Eternal Father and his servants are the Priesthood Leaders and Prophets of the Lord.  The servants had bread—the Gospel and its Laws, Rites and Ordinances, which lead one back to the Lord.  They had bread enough and to spare.  This poor man wanted the Gospel for himself, but also, to be a lesser servant to help others, perhaps from making the same mistakes he had made.  He knew that he had fallen from where he once was, and that perhaps that could never be achieved again, but he knew that he could become a lesser servant, and that brought peace and solace to his soul.

He had felt as if he were dead—indeed he was—spiritually.  The Lord had withdrawn His Spirit, and he felt that void.  Life had not meaning.  A Saint that inter-mixes with the Gentiles never really feels like he is one of them.  He may lie to himself, but the time will come when he “comes to himself.”  So he decided to return—repent—return and live, is Christ’s message to us always.

The Father saw him when he was, “yet a great way off,” and had compassion and ran to meet him.  The Lord will indeed run to meet us.  The Father did some things that I think are significant:

1)      He fell on his son’s neck.
2)      He kissed him.
3)      He told his servants to put the best robe upon his son.
4)      He commanded his servants to put a ring upon his son’s finger.
5)      He told his servants to put shoes upon his son’s feet.
6)      He commanded that the fatted calf be killed—we will eat and be merry.
7)      The young man made a confession to his father.

The father’s love was never lacking, it would have done little good for the father to chase after him in his sins, so the father had to allow him to “misuse” his free agency—but “his love” was never absent.  He ran to kiss him, and upon proper repentance, he placed the best robes upon him.  What is the best robe?  The wise will know what robe that refers to.

What ring did he call for?  The ring that gave him authority in the house—the checkbook, if you will.  He restored his confidence in him and gave him a tangible proof to all, that he indeed, had his father’s confidence—the family ring.

He placed shoes upon his feet.  Could that be done in Jewish tradition—save his servants had washed his feet first?  I hardly think so!  All rejoiced over his return.

To me, all these things refer to ordinances.  Some would say this could never be, due to his unworthiness.  I am not trying to advocate ordinances be given to the unworthy—yet I cannot help but ask, Who is worthy?  Again, who will come to the Father, as this young man and say, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.”

Who will come to the Lord with much fasting and tears as King David did?  Many want the blessings, but aren’t willing to put for the effort.

In the tabernacle built by the children of Israel—which was a portable temple—there was a veil.  Behind the veil was the Holy of Holies.  The most sacred object there was the Ark of the Covenant—a tangible object, representing the Lord’s covenant.  Latter-day Saints are a covenant-making people—or at least should be.  We also have something tangible to remind us of our covenants with the Lord.

Inside the Ark was the Testimony—where is your testimony?  On top of the Ark was a golden covering, about 46” long and 26” wide, with cherubim on either end.  This was called the Mercy Seat.  In the Ark, which represented the Covenants, was the Testimony, covered by Mercy.  Have we forgotten?  Mercy, love and long-suffering are the names of God.

So, should we all go out and sin so as to have rejoicing upon our return?  Heaven forbid!  To the son who was faithful always, and in every way was the promise: All that I have is thine.  He will be a co-heir of a surety.

Again, I ask: Who is there today who has no need to plead at the Mercy Seat?  Blessed be the name of the Lord; our Savior paid the price for your sins and mine.  He was told from before the foundation of the world what those sins were.  Not one was left out—save those sins that are unto death.  Let us claim part and portion of that great redemption work and then let our voices be raised in praise to God.

So what can we learn from all of this?  Should there be some hard-line policy to deal with all sins in the same manner?  Policies are set by the institutions or the leaders of institutions, and once set in cement, as it were, institutions seem to take on a life of their own—none, not even the leaders, can control them.

In like manner, should there be a favored class or a favored family whose sins are overlooked?  Eli and his sons were a perfect example of how the Lord is displeased with that also.

I don’t know about you, but I want to be a part of the Lord’s work and allow the Father to do His own work.  “Though your sins be as scarlet yet shall they become as white as the driven snow,” were God’s words to Isaiah.  Do you believe it?  How can it be done?  The way back is not easy.  If we break a law—a commandment—not only do we lose the blessing, we must suffer the affixed penalty, too.  Only the mercy of Christ can change or end our suffering.

As we listen to the Holy Spirit, the Lord will lead us aright.  The Gospel is always a Gospel of hope.  Far better to be like the righteous son, who never left the straight and narrow path—to those who have—the word of the Lord is: Repent—turn and live.

Return to me and I will return to you, saith the Lord of Hosts.”

And never get lost in Las Vegas.
This never changes—Truth Never Changes.

Guest Editorial

We can read in the scriptures about the "war in heaven", and what part Lucifer played in that war1. We know that the war was a controversy or contention over the agency of man. Heavenly Father wanted to ensure that man had the right to choose, whereas Lucifer wanted to compel all men to righteousness. But what is particularly compelling are the characteristics and attributes that Lucifer displays towards mankind, in continuing that war on this earth, in pursuing his own ideas.
1. Lucifer became a law unto himself, and wanted to be God, answering to no one. He wanted to ascend to the highest throne, and do it because of those who supported him and because he was 'right' and they were wrong. Lucifer and his demons have spent considerable amounts of time and effort on this earth, attempting to persuade us, and prove to Heavenly Father that he was right and God was wrong about man having his own agency.
2. Lucifer felt so strongly about what he believed - that his plan was superior to the Father's plan and that he should be the one in charge, and the Redeemer of all mankind - that he was willing to contend and fight for his position and his views.
3. Lucifer was and is willing to employ whatever means necessary to implement or force his plan upon the children of men. He will lie, cheat, make up stories, twist the truth, or whatever comes to mind, to win the war. Moses's interview with Satan is most enlightening, as recorded in the Pearl of Great Price. Satan demanded that Moses worship him as the "Only Begotten", and when Moses refused, there was great anger and agitation, so much so, that Moses began to fear, and call upon the name of God2. You can conclude, then, that Lucifer often uses the tactic of fear to coerce and force men and women to do things that naturally they would not do. If that doesn't work, then he will resort to some other tactic or strategy that will work, until he experiences a breakthrough or victory. Victory is what feeds Lucifer's ego and pride, as with those who follow him.
4. Lucifer was and is a deceiver. He appeared to have glory, as "an angel of light", but Moses perceived, and rightfully so, that he has no glory. Lucifer appeared as an angel of light to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery on the banks of the Susquehanna River3. Fortunately, the Lord intervened and cast Satan out. Thus, Lucifer makes fantastic claims, but, in reality, he has no power nor glory [only as much as we or God allows].
5. Lucifer has also expressed a great interest in money. Why money? He doesn't care about money, other than the fact that he can use money to further his own ends. What are those ends? To prove to God that he was and is right, and that they were wrong. So, he uses money to entice men to do things that they wouldn't otherwise do. He uses it to cause contention and wars, to cause fear and bloodshed, as men will reason that if they do not have money, then they will die or suffer needlessly. Money essentially, then, is viewed as a means to an end. And what is that end? Whatever I want... to fill my agenda, to carry out my plans.
6. Lucifer must be right. He will use every logic and every point to prove the 'righteousness' or 'rightness' of his cause. He never entertains the idea that he might be wrong. Such a notion is absolutely wrong, is treasonous, and 'apostate', as he defines the term. There is coercion and narrow or close-mindedness in how he thinks. Orthodoxy, in whatever religion, or whatever format is particularly suited to Lucifer's actual mindset. Why? Because orthodoxy controls and threatens and keeps everyone in line. By such control, it also hardens the hearts of men and blinds their eyes, and when men are in this state, God cannot talk to them, or persuade them to know or keep His commandments. When men's hearts are hard and their eyes blind, they cannot repent, because they neither see nor feel a need to do so. The false doctrine of "all is well" takes root, and they are carefully and blindly lead to Hell4, all the while they believe that they are going to Heaven.
7. Lucifer is an addict. He is addicted to his pride, his power and the constant need for affirmation that he is alright as long as he can control or manipulate others. This addiction is a passion, that seeks for ever expanding shots of 'affirmation'. And of course, Lucifer attracts other addicts like himself, who thirst for the worship and adoration of men.
8. Lucifer, to satisfy this need for power, has formulated strategies, techniques, policies, and illusions that are codified and organized into priesthoods. These 'priesthoods' operate on the basis of quid pro quo, i.e. I will give you something if you give me something. What the Devil gives, however, is an illusion, and a deception. You think you are getting what you want or that what you want will bring you happiness, when in reality, it brings you misery. Lucifer always presents his deal as a bargain. We can get to the Celestial Kingdom quicker and easier than these other "poor, unenlightened people who just live day-to-day and 'grind it out', living the 'commandments". Lucifer says: "Come to me, and I will teach you how to get salvation and exaltation, much quicker and easier, than these other poor deceived slobs who are so 'unenlightened' and don't know what you know." Usually, it is this: "Follow me and do everything that I say, and you will be saved and exalted."
9. Satan's sole desire is to control and direct the people in every area of their lives. He can do this by corrupt government, deceitful religions, or by our own desire to have safety and security. The idea of enlightening the people and uplifting the people so as to free them from oppression is foreign and unknown to him. Rather, he wants to control and subject people to his will, and he does this, by saying that he is simply communicating the will of God to them.
10. Satan presents himself as the true God, with just a few minor deviations, then tells us that it is a mystery, that we can't understand, when we seek to comprehend the 'deviations'. Usually, Satan is subtle about how he has us worship him. We don't realize that it is Satan that we are worshipping. We come to believe that it is a god who is so wonderful and so marvelous, that we cannot comprehend him, and that we must leave it to someone else to intervene on our behalf and comprehend him for us. Thus, enter Satan and his ministers.
11. Lucifer always claims that he can do the job better, he knows more than anyone in the Universe, he can teach better, make better decisions, lead better, or get revelation or knowledge that no one else can receive. He accuses others of being "stupid, ignorant, dumb, irreverent, without revelation, and unenlightened", while he himself is "knowledgeable, reverent, full of revelation and enlightenment." It is the claim that tells you who is speaking. A true prophet of God will simply tell his truth and his testimony and leave it to you to draw your own conclusions, and will never, never attack another man, who may not have as much understanding or may have a different understanding than he does.
12. Lucifer will always appeal to your intellect and your logic. He starts with a faulty pretense or foundation. Once you are on a false foundation, then intellect and logic can lead you to all kinds of false conclusions or doctrines. For those who never examine the original premise or foundation, they are lead into all kinds of errors. For others, he appeals strictly to their feelings, calling on their traditions or to the "way they think things ought to be". As long as he can keep you from being balanced in your thoughts and your feelings, he can keep you deceived. But most of all, he does not want you to appeal to the Lord. Lucifer can deceive your intellect and he can deceive your feelings. But when you are humble and repentant, he cannot break your bond with the Lord and deceive you.
13. Lucifer never forgives anyone. He has a constant enmity between himself and everyone else. There is always this feeling of 'them verses us'. This enmity allows him to control the minds of men, as men wish to be victorious over 'them'. With Lucifer's followers, he can temporarily set that enmity aside, while he uses his followers for his own purposes. But if his followers should dare to have their own ideas, he threatens, coerces, screams and hollers, until he gets his own way. He may overpower them with his great knowledge of the scriptures or with his great 'understanding' of the prophecies. He may call upon his 'office' or his 'vast experience', to "win the battle and save the cause".
14. Lucifer will duplicate and counterfeit the same organization, the same ordinances, the same Priesthood, and the same doctrine, because people recognize these patterns and these 'truths'. And he will also make some changes, so that he can be unique. After all, if his product is not unique and different in such a way that it appeals to 'the elect', then it won't sell. What followers of Lucifer don't recognize is how all of these things are being used. These duplicates are being used to bring glory and power to Lucifer or one who holds his Priesthood. Thus, the principles and the organization, and the truths are the tools. Who holds and wields these tools in their hands will determine to what end these tools are used for.
15. Lucifer will make claims to true Priesthood authority, that are patently false, and do not follow the eternal patterns of how Priesthood government is established and perpetuated. When questioned, Lucifer will either say it is a 'mystery' or "you just have to take it on faith." Because the people do not know how Priesthood is conferred, nor how it operates, Lucifer is only to happy to tell them. And naturally, what he tells them is exactly how he claims he received his authority, and exactly how he uses that authority to further his own ends, which also happen to be "what the Lord wants".
16. Lucifer is also very subtle. He never tells the whole story. He never answers questions completely, but leaves the answers shrouded in mystery and darkness. Usually, he leaves it to the people to answer their own questions. If God answers their questions, his only response is: "Believe it not". If the people believe it not, he is satisfied, for then a 'vacuum of belief' is created, which either the people can fill with their own ideas, or he can fill with his damnable sophistries.
17. Lucifer does not deceive us so much as he distracts us and diverts our attention away from those things that really matter. So, while the followers of Lucifer consider the 'mysteries of the kingdom' - such issues as which way the gates of Heaven swing, or the number of years that must be contained in a generation of time, time slips away, and the people miss the reality of faith and repentance, and find at that last day, that their sins remain with them. True, they know many truths of heaven, but they are still unclean, and unqualified to enter Heavenly Father's presence. It matters not what you know, or how many 'good works' you have done in your lifetime - if you have not fully repented and received a complete remission of your sins, you have truly been distracted and carefully lead down to hell - the place where unrepentant sinners wind up.
18. Lucifer is the ultimate salesman. He will entice you, against your better judgment, to buy into something that you think is going to give you an advantage over everyone else. He sells the quick and easy way to the Celestial Kingdom. "Just serve a mission; go to the temple; get married there; and all will be well." or "marry half a dozen wives, and have many children, and you will be saved and exalted". Or "just confess Christ as our 'personal Savior' and you can be saved." "Or if you are in possession of this special knowledge or these special ordinances, you will be saved and exalted." Always, the quick and easy way to Heaven, and we buy into it, because that is what we want. In the meantime, we haughtily condemn or at least view others who have not "followed our way" as those "who don't know what we know and are certainly destined in the eternities for a lesser reward." And thus, Satan cheats our souls and leads us carefully down to Hell in our delusion that somehow, the quick and easy way that we found was the answer.
19. Lucifer always works on conflict and division. If he can get us fighting and contending over any issue, he wins. It doesn't even matter if one of the contending parties is absolutely correct and has the full truth. If we contend with great railings, and with agitated and animated voices, with accusations, and harsh expressions of anger, then Satan wins, he has everyone in his grasp. It is the doctrine of contention, and the first commandment which the Savior gave to His disciples in the new world was - "he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the Devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend one with another ... such things should be done away."5
20. Lucifer uses illusions to deceive and distract us. Like the mirage in the desert, we find ourselves running toward the 'water', only to find that when we get there, there is no water at all. Lucifer makes what actually exists disappear from our sight, and what does not actually exist, appear to our view. For example, Lucifer tells us that he does not exist, or that if he does, he cannot come among us and deceive us, "because we have the Priesthood, or because we have the 'keys of detection', or because we are so righteous, that we have driven him out." Oh, fools and slow of heart to perceive, that Lucifer is far more clever and more intelligent than we give him credit. He can come among us so easily and use our own sins and our own desires and our own beliefs to lead us carefully and gently in the direction of Hell. The only being in the whole universe that can save us from his deceptions, is God, the Eternal Father. And the only way that He can do that, is if we approach him in the depths of humility and patience, crying for deliverance and hoping and faithfully petitioning Him for help.
21. Lucifer always sets himself or any man that has the charisma, who desires the praise and adoration of men, to be a light. Of course, the charismatic man will claim that he worships the Lord and that he is attempting to restore to man "the true knowledge of God, that only he possesses." Lucifer will endow this man with special knowledge and encourage the man's pride and arrogance to use that special knowledge to awe the people, and to impress them, and to convince them that he has the answers that will open the way for them to enter into heaven, in contrast to everyone else "who are surely going to Hell." But the truth of the matter is that the 'charismatic man' is just that - a man, with his sins and weaknesses, like everybody else. His sin is that he is deceived into believing that he "has all of the answers in contrast to everyone else, who know nothing."
22. Lucifer will condemn others as "his enemies" and will attach labels to them, that put them down, at the same time 'lifting himself up'. Such labels make it easier for Lucifer and his followers to persecute and rejoice in the sufferings of these 'enemies'. If an 'enemy' should suffer a calamity or other reversal in his or her life, Lucifer rejoices and takes pride in the fact that "he is being cursed, just as I prophesied". There is nothing of the broken-heartedness, nothing of the contriteness, nothing of the sadness for the suffering of others, which has always been the hallmark of the followers of Jesus Christ.
23. Lucifer masquerades as a "righteous and educated man, knowing the scriptures inside and out", capable of convincing anyone of his doctrine, by virtue of his superior knowledge. If you disagree, you are labeled either as "stupid" or "having some sort of serious problem, which blocks you from 'seeing the light'".
24. Lucifer will set you up, and then abandon you at the critical moment. If you don't comply or you don't understand or you disagree, you are punished by being ignored which is abandonment. When you get 'back in line', you are again extended 'full fellowship'. Men are social creatures, and they will often times, even comply and believe and practice lies, rather than to be rejected and lose the society of their friends.
25. Lucifer can give false revelations to men. He first finds out what you want and why you want it. Of course, the Lord may answer you, too, but you will pick out which answer you will listen to, based upon what's in your heart, what you want, and the reasons you want it. Thus, if a man is full of pride and vanity, then if Lucifer answers his questions, the one who prays will only be able to hear Lucifer. Of course, if Lucifer is giving to this man what he wants, the man will declare that God has spoken to him and has answered the desires of his heart. In this way, Lucifer can present to anyone his false revelations, and introduce them into the world as true revelations, creating confusion and lack of faith in the principle of revelation, as everyone gets "his own revelations", few of which agree with each other.
26. Lucifer is a betrayer of the brethren. He treats his disciples with coldness, with a loveless attitude, where "only the doctrine matters". He requires discipline from his members, according to those rules that he has prescribed. He is unstable, so much so, that the rules are constantly in a state of flux. If Lucifer needs another 'rush' [to reassure himself] that he is in control, he just simply says that a "new commandment" has been given, and now we must do this or that. As his disciples obey, there is a rush of satisfaction, an assurance, another injection to feed to the addiction, that he is adored and worshipped, and accepted and extolled. Thus, there is never a stability in Lucifer's kingdom, all being subject to the whim of the 'master', which changes from day to day.
27. Lucifer has mastered the truths of the Gospel. There is no one on this earth more knowledgeable about the Gospel and the scriptures. Lucifer then takes these gospel truths, and uses them to deceive and distract them from the lessons they need to learn. Three important lessons we are here, on this earth, to learn are: (1) how to repent, (2) how to forgive, and (3) how to love. The Gospel was so designed and directed so that we could achieve these three ends. Lucifer takes these same Gospel truths, and uses them to teach the people these three things: (1) how to save themselves, (2) how to exalt themselves, and (3) how to curse and damn the earth for its wickedness. Thus, the Gospel in the hands of the Lord brings joy; whereas this same Gospel in the hands of Lucifer brings misery.
28. Lucifer always establishes policy over principle, and the derivations and speculations of men, over the revelations of God, as recorded in the scriptures. Yes, Lucifer's disciples will fervently and vociferously exclaim absolute obedience and honor to the revelations of God. But in reality, they will always accede to the policy of the leader or his derivations and speculations. In the end, will the policy or the speculation really matter, if it decoys men away from their primary objective, which is to repent and be cleansed? And, of course, all of the disciples of Lucifer will exclaim that they have received the same revelation on the policy or speculation, which is true. They all received what they wanted, and which Lucifer was more than happy to give them.
29. Lucifer often emphasizes one particular doctrine or practice to the exclusion of others. Thus, a man is deemed an 'unbeliever' because he does not practice or hold to some pet doctrine that Lucifer has established as 'proof' of this man's or woman's standing before God. For example, for some it is which day they worship on. For others, it is how they pray or how many wives they have. Practice or hold to this doctrine and you are deemed 'righteous'. If you do not hold to this particular doctrine, then you are deemed 'unworthy' or 'in darkness'. Again, you see the distraction here, such that things that are essential to our salvation, are placed at the mercy of things deemed to be important, but which mean nothing, if we persist in our sins and hard-heartiness. Thus, Satan puts things out of skew or out of balance, and creates "badges of righteousness", which we all desire, and once we get, we figure we have 'made it', and it is left to us to just "endure to the end", or persuade others to our point of view, by whatever means.
30. Lucifer uses statistics as "badges of righteousness" - the bigger and more impressive the statistics, the more righteous we must be. If our numbers and our budgets are increasing, if the number of buildings we acquire or construct is growing, if the number of leaders we have is expanding, then it must mean we are 'righteous' and are on our way to salvation and exaltation. Thus, Lucifer has us identify with the institution. If the institution is progressing and growing, then we must be, too. When the institution is destroyed, then we find another 'winning team' and Lucifer is able to start again with us, using this deception to keep us from the central issue of life - which is to truly repent and truly become like the Savior, irrespective of any institution or Church of which we may belong.
Lucifer is the archetype for all apostates on this earth. If one will study the ideas, principles, methods, and philosophies that typify his "mission" on this earth, you will see patterns that repeat themselves in the ideas, principles, methods, and philosophies of the human apostate on this earth. Those who apostatize from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints fit most, if not all of the patterns above. The reason for that, is that is how one gains power, control, and adoration. Lucifer has done it that way, and it seems to work for him. The apostates must accede to the same patterns as Lucifer, vis-à-vis the Lord's Church, or they cannot get what they want. And what they want is control, power, adoration, and validation. They want to be special and unique. And the only way they can do this, is to pursue Lucifer's course. Ask them what they would do if the Lord asked them to drop their offices, their callings, and all of their pretenses to authority, and go out on a mission, and work among the poor Africans in Zimbabwe or Nigeria. "Oh", they would say, "the Lord would never ask me to do that!" And right there, you know who is doing the talking for the Lord.
A non-Mormon might review this list, and say, "Do not these things apply to the Prophet Joseph Smith?" To which I reply. "Not in the slightest". The Prophet sought to free the people, to enlighten the people, and to lift the people. There is not a man who lived then or now, who does not testify that they were made better men, because of what the Prophet taught them. And like George Washington, Joseph Smith was fully prepared at any time, to resign his position, and live the Gospel in peace and quiet. He suffered for his people. He strived with them. He never required or coerced any of them with fear or manipulation. The Saints followed Joseph Smith because there was genuine love between the Prophet and the Saints, something that Lucifer and his servants know nothing about.
1.         Revelation 12:7
2.         Moses            1:19-21
3.         Doctrine and Covenants 128:20
4.         2 Nephi 28:21
5.         3 Nephi 11:29-30


Plural Celestial Marriage
(From Gospel Problems, Heber Bennion, pp. 50-53, circa 1920)

Now, for a moment, let us turn to the principle of Plural Marriage; are you shocked at the idea?  Theodore Roosevelt has lately declined to discuss “Preparedness” with William Jennings Bryan, on the grounds that it would be as foolish and futile as discussing the principle of “Monogamy versus Polygamy”, or “Freedom versus Slavery.”
But the most advanced philosophers say that Truth need never fear or decline to brush up against error—that TRUTH will NOT be smeared but FURBISHED, brightened up and by contrast made to shine as a LIGHT in a dark place—further, “an active virulent TRUTH may become passive and dormant from dearth of opposition.”
“There must needs be opposition in all things” (Book of Mormon) so light and darkness; bitter and sweet; good and evil; must ever be contrasted in the school of experience, and the Good will be all the more evident by comparison with error.
I make bold to claim sufficient merit for the principle under discussion to justify its careful consideration, from the fact that such world renowned philosophers as Harbert Spencer, and John Stuart Mill, champion polygamy as a principle worthy of religious freedom and civil liberty—a practice which interferes with no ones rights, but those participating of their OWN FREE will—and consequently no one else’s business.  In direct contrast pared with polygamy which interferes with the free agency of NO ONE.  In fact it is the laws passed against it that really interfere with free agency; and so are in direct opposition to civil and religious liberty.  Then why should the Christian world oppose it, and especially the Latter-day Saints.
Three-fourths of the population of the world believe in and practice it.  But, says Christendom, “Our advanced civilization proves we are right in condemning the principle.”  But in reply, may not your advanced civilization be accounted for by other causes, and be in spite of monogamy, rather than because of it?  Slavery interferes with free-agency, and is not to be com(pared to the principle).  Besides, your wars and pride, drunkenness and profanity, your foulness and gross unchastity, do not gleam as a shining star to the polygamous nations?
From their standpoint your very crimes, and evils, might be to them the surest evidence, your monogamous system was incorrect.
But some will say, “the very sight and sound of polygamy is an offence to our eyes and ears, and so we have a right to prohibit and banish it out of sound and sight.”  Well, if it is so exceedingly repugnant to you, why do you tolerate, even force it upon your domestic animals?  You will no doubt say we cannot be successful financially unless our domestic animals act upon this principle; and “besides they are only brutes, and have not the feelings and sentiments of human beings.”  Then your love of money and success over-shadow your repugnance of polygamy in the case of your domestic animals, and still you are interfering with free agency in both cases—by forcing polygamy upon the one and monogamy upon the other.
And as to human beings, whom you presumptuously judge, are they not HUMANS, fellow children of the self-same God—neighbors, perhaps, just as capable of judging their own feelings, desires, and of understanding truth and principle, as you can possibly be, perhaps better—who knows?  Are you prepared to say, you can judge better than they, of the inmost desires, feelings and sentiments of their hearts?
Oh!  Presumptuous man!  Will you say that monogamy is a more pure, chaste life than polygamy, considered both from physical and spiritual law, and God’s purposes for the race?
How shall you judge polygamists, or say they are unclean, or that your monogamy is more pure or chaste, how can you know these things, until the day when the secret lives and thoughts of ALL MEN are revealed and proclaimed from the housetops, in God’s ALL searching gaze?
Is it not a fact that many of those opposed to polygamy or plurality of wives, are also opposed to a plurality of children?
Does not the mother of a large family of ten or twelve children also shock their delicate ideals of modesty and morality?  Is it not a fact that they often class such a mother as being on the level of a cow, or some other domestic brute?  Do not such people love fine houses, filled with servants rather than children?  Do they not desire costly autos with dogs riding with them rather than innocent children, than sweet babes?  Verily they shall have their desire, they shall earn their reward, as they sow, so shall they reap.  But is it right or seemly that our standards of morality should be forced upon us by such people? 
How will these idealists feel when they go to dwell with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?  Will the Lord force them to live eternally in such uncongenial company?  Does the Father delight in the endless misery of his children?  No!  Verily, NO!
It is written “In my Father’s house are many mansions,” doubtless also hath the Father cottages, huts, yea even “hovels” prepared for those worthy to dwell therein, for “judgement will be rendered according to their works,” and in the last analysis, each will find their proper sphere, whether it be high or low, elevated or degraded.
If some of His children would be happier in hell than in heaven, He will put them there.  For our Heavenly Father is too kind and just to ever interfere in the slightest degree with the free agency of His children.
In hell there will be no children to bother or annoy—Lucifer and his partners have neither wives nor children, nor power to increase.  “God is just is all we say.”
The world through adverse legislation has forced us to abandon the practice of this principle; they are therefore responsible and accountable to God, for their opposition to this His law, and we are free from responsibility.  But they cannot control our belief or faith.  God will not force us, but will hold us responsible for our attitude to His law.  Can we as Latter-day Saints afford to cater to the world and follow them in both practice and faith?  Or shall they rather stand firmly upon God’s revealed law, and although forbidden by man to practice it, yet in their hearts, esteem the beauty, chastity, and purity of God’s exalted standard, and sincerity pray for the happy time, when all the Father’s laws may be honored and obeyed, that the race may be uplifted and glorified, and our Father honored in the obedience and love of His children.

Celestial Plural Marriage:

The Savior’s Perfect Example

(From Truth Never Changes, Vol. 2, Number 2)

This is an article attempting to explain a sacred subject and view the example of our Lord in illustrating that He lived the principle as set forth in D&C 132.
It is also important to pray and fast regarding these matters.  This is the Most Holy Principle—A New & Everlasting Covenant, which cannot be broken.  The Lord has not repealed this nor any of His laws or ordinances.  The Church may have rejected it, but the Lord has not.
In D&C 93, the Lord states that truth is eternal and independent in that sphere which God has placed it.  Truth is everlasting and it is unchangeable and unalterable.  Truth exists regardless of whether man acknowledges it or not.  When people really believed the earth was flat, it did not change the truth of the matter.  Likewise, as the Church no longer accepts Celestial Plural Marriage, it does not change the truth,
It is still the responsibility of men who bear the Holy Priesthood to live this law.  Living this principle is a requisite for the exaltation of mankind.  Without living it a man will fall short of his potential—in reference to man, this also applies to the woman.
The Lord has guided us to your family to bring you the message of the Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith, in this, the Last Dispensation of the Fullness of Times.  The last time that the Lord would restore and disburse His Priesthood authority to mankind.  We are representatives of the Lord.  I hope that you will take our message to the Lord in fasting & prayer.  Only Jesus Christ can verify the truth of our words to you through the Holy Ghost.  Use the formula in Moroni 10:3-5.
I would like to share further evidence of the correctness of the Principle of Celestial Plural Marriage, by using our Savior as the example.  He is literally the Supreme example.
Firstly, Jesus Christ came from our Father in Heaven.  How could our Heavenly Father sire a child without taking a legitimate wife?  If He did, would He be committing the sin of adultery and cease to be God?  Our Heavenly Father lives in the Celestial Kingdom and He is a polygamist.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, became a legal wife of God the Father.  God cannot disobey His own commandments.
Secondly, our Savior was taken care of by a humble foster-father named Joseph, who was also a polygamist.  Joseph had the commission of taking Mary as a wife for time only, but in eternity, she belongs to our Heavenly Father.  Joseph, therefore, had the responsibility of providing for the needs of Mary & Jesus, and of teaching the child.  Jesus learned the trade of carpentry and probably other things.
In Luke 2:40-49, Joseph took his family to the feast of the Passover.  This celebration was in commemoration of the passing of the destroying angel through Egypt, which devastated all the firstborn males of both man and beast, except those of the House of Israel.  This Passover was also to remind Israel of the sacrifice of God’s firstborn Son.
            It is ironic that the young Jesus was going to this celebration during his twelfth year.  At the end of the feast, Joseph and his family left.  They traveled for one day before they noticed that Jesus was missing.  Why did it take so long to notice that Jesus was missing?  He must have been part of a large polygamist caravan of Joseph.  His parents must have assumed that he was elsewhere with the family.  After three days, they arrived in Jerusalem to find him.  Jesus was at the temple instructing the learned scholars of the day, who were amazed at his great knowledge of doctrine.
Upon discovering him, Mary, his concerned mother, asked what he had been doing for three days?
Jesus answered that he had been about his father’s business.
Thirdly, Jesus was married and obeyed the law of celestial plural marriage. This is illustrated in John 2:1-11.  Jesus was the bridegroom at the marriage of Cana.  Why was Mary so concerned over the lack of wine for the guests?  She and Jesus were the hosts.  It was the groom’s responsibility to provide refreshment for the guests, according to Hebrew custom. 
Now for Jesus’ plurality of wives, look to John 11 & 12—both chapters.  Mary & Martha—two sisters—sent word to Jesus that their brother Lazarus was very sick (John 11:5).  It says that Jesus loved them all.
When one is ill, who is first notified?  It is usually family first, and friends second.  Carefully study John 11, and it becomes apparent of the family ties.
Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.  People heard of the great controversy and his enemies plotted to destroy him.  Jesus knew that his time was near (John 12:1-5).  He went to his home to meet his two wives—Martha prepared a dinner and Lazarus was present—and there, Mary performed a loving act: She anointed his feet with costly oil & perfume, and wiped his feet with her hair (John 12:3; Mark 14:4-6).  Who else would love a man to do this other than a wife?
The 12 disciples did not understand Jesus’ mission completely, yet Mary, was anointing his feet with her tears & oil prior to his crucifixion.  Did she know more than his trusted friends?  She must have been very intimate with the Lord to understand what was about to take place.
After Jesus’ death, women went to prepare his body at the sepulchre (Mark 24:1-9).  The Scripture states that Mary Magdalene, Joanna & Mary, the mother of James, and “other women” went with them.  Who were these “other women”? 
I propose that they were the wives of Jesus Christ going to prepare their husband’s body for burial.  Later Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early and discovered him missing (John 20:1-7).  She told the disciples and they went and viewed the empty tomb, and then they left.
She remained and mourned.  Only a wife would give such devotion.  As she was weeping, Jesus appeared to her.  At first, she did not recognize him.  Then He called her name.  Naturally, her impulse was to embrace Him, but he forbade her.  He told her to “touch him not” for He had not yet ascended to His Father.  Jesus reserved His first embrace for the Father, but first made His appearance to His wife, Mary Magdalene.
Many of these items could be criticized as conjecture, but only the Spirit of God can reveal the truth.
I know these things to be true and the truth maketh one free.
May the Lord be with you!

Peace In Zion

Excerpts From The

(Excerpts from the following document will be reproduced as a series in Truth Never Changes.  The only corrections that will be made to this document are grammatical.  Because this document is not widely distributed, we felt that our readers would recognize it’s invaluable historical importance and cherish it as we, at Truth Never Changes do.  Brother Arnold Boss was very close to Brother Musser, and we are indebted to Brother Boss, for his diligent labors in making the publication of TRUTH magazine possible as researcher and typist.  Brother Arnold was a man of integrity and honor, who stood up for what he believed to be correct principle. Bold print will be added for emphasis.)

The following is a type written record of the events that transpired while I was in Utah’s prison for thirty-one months.  I was incarcerated for having obeyed the Patriarchal Order of Marriage.  I had two wives and it was the Mormon Church leaders that fathered our persecutions and prosecutions, assisted by the State of Utah and her civil and political authorities, as also the Federal Bureau of Investigation agency and the courts of the State and Federal Government,
The record hereafter that follows is type written my own hands.  I kept a record of the most outstanding events that transpired while in prison.  (There are some matters at this time too sacred and these I am withholding for the present even from my family.)  I brought the record out of prison with me, the guards did not examine my belongings too closely.  The Lord blinded their eyes.  After I got home I placed everything in chronological order; typed it all out.  This way, it takes less space and eliminates much of the bulk.
This is a true record.  I have tried to be careful and exact.  No one reading what is here recorded ever need blush because of the stand I took while others of my brethren surrendered.  I only have one source to whom I am greatly indebted, that is to the heavens.  Next I am thankful for the loyalty my family gave me.  They will be blessed through time and all eternity.
I sign my name with ink to what follows,
                        (Signed)           Arnold Boss.

May 12, 1945

Met at Judge Van Cott’s office (where he holds court) in the county bldg. This morning with 14 other brethren to be re-sentenced.  Lillian, Thelma and Hazel were present from my family.
When court opened the judge read our names and asked each of us to step forward.  Not one of us was asked if we had anything to say.  He re-imposed his former sentence and committed us to the Sheriff’s custody.  We then all stepped outside the courtroom into the hallway and had some pictures taken.  Following this we were taken to the county jail.
Our attorneys immediately introduced a paper for habeas corpus proceedings, and pending its action, we were all held in the county jail.
We were given the large dormitory on the third floor, thus we all remained together.
While laying on my bed and Joseph (Musser) on his, (most of the men were on the opposite division playing indoor ball) Joseph said: “Judge Van Cott will lose his health, his political and social standing and he will go down and down until he will be cast off by his friends and come to disgrace and to nothing.”
He gave this as a prophecy. 
Joseph also told us who were present of a message that had come over the phone (from someone—the place and where was not stated, nor how he got it), “If you will all give glory to God you shall all be out within 30 days.”
Oswald Brainich told us of an interview he had with attorney Roberts (son of B. H. Roberts) two days previously.  In this interview he told Brainich why he did what he die; what it was done for, and at whose instigation this prosecution was brought against these polygamous families.
Lew Kelsch and Morris Kunz said to us, “We met Judge Bronson at the Country Club, while eating, the judge appeared with a lady.  They sat and talked together for a short time.  In his remarks the judge stated, “You know who is back of this fight as well as I do.”
We held a circle prayer at nighttime.
Sunday, May 13, 1945

All day at the county jail.  In the afternoon we held a testimony meeting—it lasted three hours.  Some fine things were said.  It was remarked that all fifteen of the men present had been selected and appointed before they left the other side to come to earth, to be here at this time; to do what we were doing and to help give plural marriage a new birth in the Rocky Mountains and the nation.  We all felt good over what has thus far taken place.  Everyone was cheerful.  Our families supplied us with an abundance of food.  This was allowed to be brought in.
We were loaned a newspaper by a Mrs. ____________ Richards.  She was a matron at the county jail and lived there.  The paper said, President Grant, Heber J. Grant, took a relapse for the worse the day they committed us to the County Jail.  That was yesterday.  We knew he was called over tot he other side to answer for what he had done, and for what was being done to the polygamists—for he was back of the persecution and prosecutions.  It was instigated by himself and others in Church authority.

Heber J. Grant dies
Monday, May 14, 1945

We were taken tot he county house (courtroom) to listen to the court proceedings on our habeas corpus cases.  It had every appearance that Judge Allen Crockett would decide the case in our favor. The case was closed, except to hear arguments from both sides.  We were again taken to the county jail after court proceedings.  We were still all together.
Near seven o’clock in the evening, one of the inmates rushed upstairs to inform us that President Heber J. Grant had died.  Not one of us was surprised; we all expected it.  We rejoiced over it more than sorrowed.  He goes to receive a partial judgement over there and I expect he will have the privilege to live among the wicked and criminals there who have fought the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We spent the whole evening going over matters associated with President Grant; his call to the Apostleship, later his becoming the President of the Church; his fighting the Patriarchal Order of Marriage; his instructions to have the polygamous families spied upon, and excommunicated from the Church; later our persecution and prosecution in the courts of the land; his rejoicing over all this as he wrote by his own hand; prophetic utterances made in connection with Pres. Grant, and what he would do; these were also discussed with the role he would play in the latter-day work.
Pres. John Y. Barlow said, “We could expect the coming of the One Mighty & Strong now any day.”  He also said he expected “that some of us fifteen men would be called over tot he other side and testify to what he (Pres. Grant) had done here on earth.”
Some asked Joseph W. Musser, who he expected would be the next Church President?
He replied, “I expect it will be George Albert Smith.”
(To be continued…..)

E    D    I    T    O    R    I    A    L

After reading and considering what was written in a letter which was published in a recent Truth Never Changes regarding the fate of the sons of perdition, several questions arise in my mind.  I would like to present my thinking on the matter.
In order to really understand this subject, we need to understand a little about resurrection generally.  We see from scripture references there are two types of resurrections; the resurrection of the just and the unjust, and if we examine these two, I believe we will begin to understand what it is that God has in store for those who are resurrected. 
The resurrection of the just, according to D&C 132, refers to those who experience death and come forth and have made their calling and election sure.  “They shall be sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise and all others come to an end when men are dead,” talking about priesthoods and ordinances.  According to what is stated in Revelations 25, “the rest of the dead lived not again until a thousand years were finished.”  In verse 6 it says, “Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the 1st resurrection.  On such, the 2nd death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with Him a thousand years.”  So, we understand that to mean the resurrection of the just includes those who are not only those resurrected with Christ, but they who will reign 1000 years--they obviously have part and parcel with Him, or are coheirs with Him in all that He is and does.
Let us talk a little bit about the nature of the resurrection itself.  The scriptures say that Christ is the first fruits of them that slept, meaning that he is the first one to accomplish the resurrection.  To say that He is the first fruits of the resurrection for the just and the unjust would be a correct statement.  He was the first of all of them to accomplish a resurrection. 
I want us to understand that in the resurrection the principle of mortality is no longer an issue.  That which makes us mortal, which is the blood, is no longer present in the resurrection.  So, things of this earth, that part of the body which has death in it, which is the blood, no longer exists.  The earlier brethren of the church explain there is spiritual fluid running in the veins of those who are resurrected.  So we put off the mortal, and everyone who is resurrected puts on a nature of immortality.  What does that nature of immortality hold and who is participant in it? 
The question in the paper that was written in the Spring Volume of the Truth Never Changes, referenced verses 31 through 39 in the 76th section of D&C where it states that, “the sons of perdition are the only ones on whom the second death shall have any power, ye verily the only ones who will not be redeemed in the due time of the Lord after the sufferings of his wrath-- for all the others will be brought forth by the resurrection of the dead.”  The writer continues on in that, and makes what I think is the critical point, “for all the rest shall be brought forth through the triumph and glory of the lamb.”  The clarification of the triumph and  glory of the lamb, according to the writer of that article is that the sons of perdition are not classified with that issue of the triumph and glory of the lamb.  In other words, everyone one else is brought forth by the glory of the lamb except the sons of perdition, who come forth by some other means, not by the glory and triumph of the lamb. 
The question to consider here is, if the sons of perdition, who are denied the salvation of God, are brought forth in a resurrection and it is not by the triumph and glory of the lamb, what power does cause their immortality or resurrection?

In verses 41 to 44, it states that “God saves all the work of his hands except the sons of perdition, who deny God after he has revealed him.”  Now, there are differing opinions as to how many sons of perdition there will be.   Joseph Smith stated that the number of the sons of perdition could be numbered on one’s hands, while others believe there will be many, perhaps into the thousands.  Either way, if we understand the resurrection of the just to be those who come forth with Christ during the millennium, who will rule and reign with Him thereafter, and the resurrection of the unjust to be those who have committed sin who come forth after, are we to assume that all of those who come forth after the resurrection of the just, which is during and prior to the millennium, will be the sons of perdition?  If that is the case, it seems the greater portion of the population of the earth then would be classified as sons of perdition, because they come forth in the resurrection which follows  the resurrection of the just. 
Again, in the 76th section of the D&C, referring to the sons of perdition, it says,  “Wherefore, he saves all except them.  They shall go away into everlasting punishment, which is endless punishment, which is eternal punishment, to reign with the devil and his angels in eternity where their worm dieth not and their fire is not quenched, which is their torment.”
The thing this verse fails to say is that there are also whore-mongers and liars an1d murderers and so forth who will go away to the lake of fire and brimstone who will yet come forth in the 2nd resurrection.  The scriptures say they will go away, “until the due time of the Lord when he will call them back and they will receive then their resurrection.”  But, before their resurrection they go into a punishment, which is a judgement for the deeds they have done in the flesh. 
Now, we say at the resurrection there is a judgement, but I believe that the judgement is of a different nature in the resurrection than it is prior to the resurrection, “for the wicked will burn as stubble.”  That is a physical, literal thing in the last days.  The wicked will be swallowed up in the flames of fire, because those who are of a telestial nature cannot go where those who are of a terrestrial nature or higher can go and because of that they will be caught up in the flames and the burnings which are set apart for them. And then they go, because of their sins, with the devil and his angels until the due time of the Lord.  This is what is meant by everlasting punishment.   Everlasting being one of the names of God.  Eternal being one of the names of God.  It means that their punishment is God-ordained and only He can retrieve them from that punishment.  The difference between them and the sons of perdition is that the sons of perdition are not called back in the due time of the lord, but they continue on until, according to Brigham Young and many other early day prophets in this dispensation,  they go into dissolutionment.
Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball, the greatest proponents of dissolutionment, as well as many other early day Church leaders state that they go into a dissolutionment.  You might disagree; nevertheless, it has been written extensively that they do go into a dissolutionment and, therefore, the resurrection is not extended to them.  If we believe that they do go into dissolutionment, we have to ask ourselves, why in the world would the Lord raise them to immortality and then condemn them to a dissolutionment? Why would the Lord bring a man up to an immortality and then bring him back to a condition  of death, which is contradictory to immortality?  My belief is that the sons of perdition are as Cain of old who was given a stay of life--as a person wandering to and fro upon the earth from the beginning, through the flood and on to the end, tempting the sons of men, but who will still taste of death in the end.  He is not a resurrected being. 
The scriptures say that a body and spirit inseparably connected bring a fullness of joy.    Why would you offer the sons of perdition a fullness of joy by making their spirits and bodies inseparable and have them at that point go into dissolutionment and lose their identity?

In Volume 1, page 275 of the Journal of Discourses is says, “if they don’t fulfill the nature of their creation, they are turned back to their native element.”  On page 161, it states that the sons of perdition are like clay in the potters hand and they are ground over again.  In other words, that which was identifiable in them no longer is definable–it is thrown back.  In the eternities  that light returns to the source of its light and will bring something better than what it was.  So, the only conclusion we can come to by this is they will not continue in existence (identity)  after they are returned to native element.  Brigham Young also says in the first volume of the Journal of Discourses, page 349, “they become decomposed, and they return to native element again.”  In volume 4, he states, “there are two situations for men, one is life and the other is dissolutionment of life.” 
The 2nd death is to be decomposed.  We know that the early brethren of the church believed very strongly in decomposition.   This happens over a long period of time.  First the body dies and afterwards the spirit goes back until eventually there is loss of identify.  Brigham Young said in the Journal of Discourses, Volume 4, page 31, “Everything that is opposed to Celestial law is turned back to native element,” so all life, unless it conforms to celestial law loses its identity.   That is the second death.  There is no light in the body or the spirit and when we hear of it, we need to think of it in terms of complete death, not just separation from God.  All of us are somewhat dead here separated from God, but we are brought back as we repent and turn unto Him
Now, the sons of perdition do not lose their identity for nothing.  They have to have known the Savior and then turn against Him. This is the definition of those who become the sons of perdition.
Orson Pratt said there are two types of murderers.  One is a murderer who murders, but is not a son of perdition, who has not known the Lord, and the other who is a murderer who is a son of perdition.  This you find in Journal of Discourses Volume 15, page 314.   There are any number of descriptions of the kind of people the sons of perdition are, but most consistently it is stated that they are the ones who deny the power of God after having known it and have partaken of it.  They deny the truth.  We are told they look at the sun at noon day and say that the sun shineth not.  They deny the Holy Ghost after they have received it.  Meaning, that they were part and parcel in the principles of the priesthood and they had embraced priesthood principle so much so they came nigh unto the presence of God, but, like Cane of Old, they desired to shed the blood of Christ afresh.  So they have murdered innocent blood and they have put Crist to open shame. They love to do evil.  The scriptures say they love evil more than good and they reject the atonement, crucifying the Son unto themselves
I can only believe the process by which the sons of perdition are sent with the devil and his angels is the same process by which all of those unjust men who have committed sin are sent with the devil and his angels, except those who have committed sin are sent until the due time of the Lord, at which time they are brought back and brought forward for a resurrection, after the uttermost farthing is paid.   I find it hard to believe that those who have committed  murders and gross sins in this life will be brought forth by a resurrection until they have completely paid for their sins according to the scriptures, where they are turned over to the buffeting of Satan until the due time of the Lord.
My belief is that the resurrection is a culmination, because it gives to people an immortality after the repentance and after the payment of the price for sin and after turning back unto the Lord, and then they are permitted to come into a resurrection.  In other words, they receive a life which otherwise they would not have had, where they die not. 

According to B.H. Roberts 70's Course in Theology, pg 113, he says, “All sins and all blasphemies and every transgression except one that man may be guilty of may be forgiven, and there is salvation for men, either in this world or the world to come who have not committed the unpardonable sin, there being a provision either in this world or in the world of spirits.  Hence, God has made a provision that every spirit in the world can be ferreted out and saved unless he has committed the unpardonable sin, which cannot be remitted to him either in this world or in the world of spirits.  I said no man can commit the unpardonable sin after the disollutionment of the body or in this life until he received the Holy Ghost, but they must do it in this world.  All sins must be forgiven except the sin against the Holy Ghost, for Jesus will save all except the sons of perdition.  What must a man do to commit the unpardonable sin?  He must receive the Holy Ghost, have the heavens opened to him and know God and then sin against him, and after a man sins against the Holy Ghost, there is no repentance for him.  He has got to say that the sun does not shine while he sees it.  He has got to deny Jesus Christ when the heavens have opened unto him and to deny the plan of salvation with his eyes open to the truth of it, and from that time he becomes an enemy.”
We have heard men say that men will keep their covenants if it takes them 10,000 years, but what happens to those who are on the earth during the time they are preparing to keep their covenants?  I believe that those who were on the earth at that time go on to perfection and go on to greater and bigger things while those who are left in the company of the devil and his angels are not retrieved until the due time of the Lord.  I also believe that those who are sons of perdition go on in the opposite direction, into a dissolutionment, that they never receive a resurrection.                                                                       
Suffice it to say, the resurrection brings people up to a level of the Gods.  Now, the 1st resurrection we have already noted, brings people back to the presence of God, to rule and reign with Him.  We don’t know how many, perhaps 144,000 and their entourage?  The second resurrection are all those who do not qualify for the 1st resurrection, except the sons of perdition, who do not receive a resurrection at all, but who are partakers of the second death, which is a  dissolutionment or decomposition back to native element.
There are differences of opinion on these things even at the highest of levels.  The only sure way to truly understand is by personal revelation and even then perhaps we would be forbidden to speak of them.  It has been withheld from man the extent of the suffering of the sons of perdition.  We can only comment on what has already been given on the subject.  There is much that could be added with respect to perdition (meaning lost), other than the sons of perdition, but for now, it be behooves us to make sure that our path is such that we are free from the blood and sins of this generation. 

Holiness to the Lord
June, 2006
Volume 10, Number 6

PO Box 433

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